The Girl Beneath the Sea written by Andrew Mayne is an action pack spine chiller and this novel was recommended to me by goodreads as I liked reading Eddie’s Boy. The main character, Sloan McPherson, a PhD applicant and a neighborhood police recovery diver, is diving in Southern Florida canal searching for archeological finds for her guide. At the point when she surfaces, she finds a body drifting in the channel that wasn’t there when she began her dive. She calls 911, and police appear. She is requested her driver’s permit. Since she actually is in her wet suit, she goes to her vehicle to get her purse. She finds that her driver’s permit is absent. Sloan says to herself, “The killer knows who I am and where I live.” My interest in this novel generated right at this point.

The primary storyline continues with high tension scenes with sufficient twists, turns, and confusions that kept my interest. Andrew Mayne created tension with the adversaries as well as inside the heroes. Sloan is free and will do what she thinks best at the time regardless of whether it conflicts with her training and clearly test her actual physical limits. Her dad who taught her how to do scuba diving took her out on many fortune chasing undertakings, some of which he might not have answered to the territory of Florida. He likewise helped a companion constructed custom boats with hidden compartment.

There is “Run” the dad of Sloan’s young daughter. He helps fundamentally in nurturing duties, yet Sloan won’t marry him. Finally, there is George Solar who was the lead specialist of Sloan’s uncle Karl for drug carrying  and presently lives rent free at the joy of the State of Florida. Eternal hatred would be excessively light of a portrayal of Sloan’s emotions towards George. On occasion, the interior clash appears to be more noteworthy than the outer clash. The greater part of the above is given by broad B-storyline strings altogether in the start of the novel yet all through the novel.

The only part of this novel that left a bit of questions was a few of the underwater scenes. I am not a scuba or free diver, but they appear extending the envelope of creditability, yet this is a work of fiction. They kept the pressure high and the storyline streaming. In general, this book is an active spine chiller. As such it would be a decent read for you as it was for me. I liked it and am anticipating reading the following novel in this series.

Podcast ( The Girl Beneath the Sea : By – Andrew Mayne is an action pack spine chiller )

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