Who is Maud Dixon? By Alexandra Andrews Is An Enticing And Dazzling Thrill Ride

Who is Maud Dixon? By Alexandra Andrews Is An Enticing And Dazzling Thrill Ride.
Who is Maud Dixon? By Alexandra Andrews Is An Enticing And Dazzling Thrill Ride.

Who is Maud Dixon? By Alexandra Andrews is a  debut novel. This book had the top requisite quality for a thriller, and it kept me reading until the very end.

Her name is a pseudonym, that is the lone thing her millions of fans know about her after reading her hit debut novel.

Florence Darrow works as an associate editorial manager and fantasizes about becoming a successful author. She does not actually have ambition however. That is, until she gets an uncommon opportunity of a lifetime. While working as the assistant to the one an only Maud Dixon. Florence got the opportunity after interviewing with Maud’s representative, who is the solitary other individual who knows that Maud is really Helen Wilcox.

Florence moves into Helen’s separated house with her, too much excited. Indeed, Helen can be odd, cold and abrupt. However, they have moments of bonding too. Helen needs some motivation, and welcomes Florence out to travel with her to Morocco, where the novel she is writing takes place. The trip was going pretty great…until the horrible car accident.

Florence awakens in a hospital, uncertain what occurred or what is happening. The solitary thing clear to her is that Helen disappeared suddenly and without any trace. Helen’s I.D. was found in Florence’s purse. Could Florence have unearthed a truly incredible opportunity? Will she simply step into Helen’s shoes and become “Maud Dixon”?

What a book! I was into it quickly and until the end. The first half is somewhat sluggish and on the lighter side, yet always interesting. I discovered Florence and Helen entrancing, yet for the most part unlikeable. I thought I had most of the book figured out.

And afterwards the subsequent half began, and I understood I was just right about some things…not all. There are some awesome twists and moments that found me off guard. The story gets more dark, with expanding complexity. I can’t resist the urge to utilize one of my number one words: unputdownable.

It’s difficult to accept “Who is Maud Dixon?” is the debut novel by Alexandra Andrews. It is expertly written and plotted. I was unable to hold back to reading more every time I needed to step away. The writing is smooth. Nothing clunky or jarring in it, and that made it simple to read. I thought I discovered some plot holes, yet not a chance. Everything was expertly clarified by the end. “Who is Maud Dixon?” is an enticing and dazzling thrill ride, and I strongly recommend it.

Also Read: The Initial Insult: By Mindy McGinnis

Book Review Podcast ( Who is Maud Dixon? By Alexandra Andrews )

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