After reading Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. The three words that come to mind are, Slow, subtle and sad. The book starts a little slow. Mainly because the reader should become used to seeing the world from the viewpoint of Klara, an Artificial Friend robot. It took me a little time to adjust to this way of writing style, so I would recommend you to be patient and allowing the story to develop. Ishiguro writing was effective and, he did a great job of allowing you to see the world through Klara’s eyes, and the readers should sort out some subtle facts about the world she lives in. When sometimes Klara herself is naive or unaware of the real factors of the human world.

Klara is hyper-attentive, continually watching people around her closely. Seeing if, say, a glimmer of sadness passes across somebody’s features. Klara is likewise an Artificial Friend, designed to turn into an ally for a human child. Is it compassion, the manner in which she sees, notices, changes her conduct likewise? Or something else?

At the point when Klara is at last chosen to be a companion to a sick human girl, the story takes on an alternate tone as Klara faces troublesome and now and again emotional situations. We see a portion of the intriguing imbalances of this future world through Klara’s eyes, and the reader is left to interpret a few things themselves.

I enjoyed reading Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro and at the same time liked imagining this future world. However, after completing the story I certainly felt a slight sadness that remained with me for some time. I personally like reading more uplifting or exciting stories. However, I can’t deny the excellence in this kind of thought-provoking story. If you wouldn’t mind a touch of sadness, and you have some tolerance for a some slow read, at that point Klara and the Sun may be for you.

Also Read: Every Last Fear: Book By Alex Finlay

Book Review Podcast ( Klara and the Sun: Book By Kazuo Ishiguro )

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