10 Most Powerful Versions of Venom: The intimidating Venom has been a recurring pain for Spider-Man ever since making his initial appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man, scaring the web-slinger everywhere he goes. Spidey’s loved ones have been in danger, the webhead has been physically exhausted, and the nasty symbiote has repeatedly threatened to take little Parker’s brain. Despite this, it would be difficult to find a supervillain as beloved by fans as Venom.
Although Eddie Brock is possibly the most well-known host of Venom, the symbiote has had a number of other hosts over the years. The alien suit’s hosts differ greatly from one another, but they all share one thing in common: they are all extremely hazardous. But which Venom is the most dangerous? Since Venom has been around for 20 years, we’ve seen Venom Thor, Venom Deadpool, Venom T-Rex, and Venom Punisher. With Marvel’s upcoming Venomverse event, which promises to transform beloved Marvel heroes into slobbering symbiotes, just around the corner, we thought it was the ideal time to take a look at the long list of Venoms that have appeared over the years and give you the conclusive list of the 10 most dangerous types of Venom.
10 Most Powerful Versions of Venom

While many people would kill to possess the Venom symbiote, not everybody wants to get access to its abilities. Ann Weying, Eddie Brock’s former wife, is a prime example. Weying claimed that Brock was reliant on the Venom suit and that Brock was a deranged, deadly thug. The symbiote connected with Weying after she was left for dead, transforming her into the ferocious She-Venom. She-Venom attacked the men who had harmed her during her brief reign, killing ten or more people in the process. Weying did not enjoy her time wearing the Venom suit, in contrast to her ex-husband. Later, after being confronted with memories of her deeds as She-Venom, she would kill herself, bringing a tragic end to a really dangerous Venom host.
Logan Venom

Logan is many things, including unflappable, as tough as nails, and as arrogant as the day is long. These characteristics, when combined with the bloodthirsty, brain-eating Venom symbiote, spell peril. The X-Men are transported into the future and imprisoned in a war-torn world that is ruled by Apocalypse and his four horsemen, which are Deadpool, Colossus, the Venom symbiote, and a female Moon Knight. This is the plot of the Apocalypse Wars comic book series. When the Colossus of this alternate world fast-pitch-specials the symbiote onto Old Man Logan, the reality-displaced X-Man changes into a gigantic version of Venom. The combination, which combines the brutality of Wolverine with the insane murder drive of the Venom symbiote, proves to be a difficult enemy to defeat.
Venom Thor

The host determines how powerful the Venom symbiote is. The symbiote adopts the characteristics of the host when it attaches to them. However, the symbiote possessed the power to rumble the sky when it united with a genuine Asgardian God. Within What If? Aliens’ Costume The symbiote takes control of Spider-Man when the superhero spends too long to consult the Fantastic 4 about his unusual new black clothing. When the infected Spider-Man is encountered by his other heroes, the symbiote abandons Spidey and flees for the Asgardian Thor and the Hulk after detecting stronger hosts. The symbiote was poised to take over the Earth with the heavenly strength of Thor at its command, but it was stopped by a sonic weapon. But the earth might not survive if the Venom symbiote ever managed to reattach its tendrils to Thor.

Deadpool is already a menace you wouldn’t want to face due to his unmatched healing ability, propensity for murder with a sword or gun, and his constant chatterbox. However, the Venom symbiote and the Merc with a Mouth united to create a wacky and hazardous combo. The Venom symbiote partially came into contact with Wade Wilson during the incidents of Secret Wars, but Deadpool actually got to experience the symbiote in action during Back in Black. After the Venom symbiote left Peter Parker, it ran into Deadpool, which caused the murderous merc to combine with the extra-terrestrial parasite. Along with a slew of Venom powers, like alien webbing, increased strength, and a monster shape, Deadpool received stylish new black attire. Wade would eventually be freed from the Venom, but if the scaly merc were ever in the hands of Venom once more, it might not be good for Earth.
Agent Venom

The Venom has the ability to be beneficial despite its propensity for hungering for brains. If you can control your violent tendencies, you might be able to fight for justice using your superhuman strength, enhanced agility, and extra-terrestrial webbing. To some extent, Agent Venom, aka Eugene “Flash” Thompson, succeeded in doing this. Flash Thompson, an injured Iraq War veteran, was chosen as the symbiote’s host after the government decided to use the Venom symbiote to fight for the US of A. Along with a variety of superhuman abilities, the symbiote gave Flash the capability to walk again. Agent Venom has a variety of weaponry at his disposal in contrast to Venom’s typical arsenal, making him a formidable opponent and a contender for the title of most dangerous Venom of all time.
Venom 2099

In the far-off future of Marvel, Spider-Man 2099 has faced some extremely formidable foes. While Miguel O’Hara was able to easily defeat foes like Doctor Octopus 2099 and Goblin 2099, Venom 2099 came dangerously close to putting the hero at the bottom of the sea. After being abandoned for dead in a sewer, the cruel Kron Stone joined the Venom symbiote. Stone decided to put his half-brother Miguel through hell rather than use his newly acquired abilities for the greater good. By the time the Venom symbiote encountered Stone, it had advanced, as Venom 2099 possesses abilities that the original Venom never did, such as the ability to shape-shift, produce corrosive spit and blood, and recover from potentially deadly wounds. No matter what decade he is in, Venom 2099 is a formidable adversary.
Punisher Venom

The only superpower Frank Castle has ever had in his decades-long war against organized crime is owning a tonne of guns. However, the violent vigilante and the symbiote teamed up in a What If? The issue was to create a formidable force that could shoot bullets and throw webs. The Punisher joined forces with the gooey alien suit after Castle stumbled into the cathedral where the symbiote sought refuge after being separated from Spider-Man. Castle proceeded to will the suit into being capable of producing an organic rifle, giving himself a weapon that never runs out of bullets, not content with the long list of newfound skills the suit offered him. Even while The Punisher on its own is scary, Venom becomes even more so when an alien parasite that kills people is added.
Eddie Brock Venom

There have certainly been many to carry the title of Venom, but it’s difficult to surpass the original. Venom has accomplished everything, from his modest beginnings as a discredited journalist to his career as among the most terrifying opponents Spider-Man has ever faced. Eddie Brock, the longest-reigning Venom, has engaged in numerous physical altercations with Spider-Man. He has also targeted people close to his old foe and has taken great pleasure in making Spider-life Man as miserable as possible. Even while Venom has occasionally sided with the good guys, his fervent hatred for Peter Parker constantly tempts him to revert to his evil ways. Even if Eddie Brock despises the Venom symbiote and the symbiote occasionally despises Eddie Brock, the two of them combined represent a formidable threat.
Mac Gargan Venom

After years of combating Spider-Man as the Scorpion, Mac Gargan was a genuine veteran in the field of super-villainy. As a result, when Gargan turned into Venom, he was ready to exploit his newfound abilities to his advantage. Normally a cruel, combative thug, Mac Gargan’s sinister Venom symbiote only made these characteristics worse. When enraged, the Gargan Venom had the propensity to go into an animalistic rage, devouring adversaries and attacking allies. The creature could be calmed down with medication provided by Norman Osborn, but Gargan Venom had always been one temper tantrum away from killing a lot of people. Mac Gargan Venom is not a threat to be taken lightly due to his unpredictable temperament and propensity for devouring opponents.
Venom Hulk

The Hulk frequently asserts his superior strength. He is absolutely correct in saying that few can compete with the Green Goliath. This combo would be extremely hazardous if the Venom symbiote were added. In the one-off scenario What If? Aliens’ Costume After taking control of Spider-Man, the symbiote decided to leave the weak Parker and go for a more powerful host. The alien parasite swiftly attaches to the Green Goliath when the symbiote sees the Hulk engaging in one of his signature rampages. You have an almost unstoppable force when you combine the Hulk’s unquenchable wrath, the Venom symbiote’s unending bloodlust, and a variety of extraordinary talents. Before the symbiote abandoned the Hulk, the Hulk Venom didn’t have an opportunity to exercise its full potential, but the Marvel world would be in danger if the alien parasite ever managed to reattach itself to the Hulk.
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