Timings matter a lot, be it life, studies or any other activity. You may think that a student’s priority is studying and the timing doesn’t matter at all as the main goal is to study. However, this isn’t the case, the timing does matter a lot. We are human not machines, that’s the reason our focus energy level, intensity and concentration powers are not constant throughout the day. Same duration of studies at different hours can give different results. There are a lot of factors that decide our output and results. Knowing when is the best time to study: Day or Night is very important. As most of the people study in the day time (in the morning) or at night. So, let’s find out which is the most suitable time for study.
Day Time Study
Day time studying is generally considered to be the ideal way and conventional method of studying. There are many reasons for it but one simple and logical reason for it can be the absence of electricity or light in ancient times. Electricity was discovered centuries ago but it was a luxury. 24X7 Electricity wasn’t available in every part of the world which may be a primary reason for mornings being the most suitable time for study. But there are also many more factors which makes studying in the morning very beneficial.
Day time study has many benefits. The first and foremost benefit of day time studying is having a good routine. It is believed and seen that people who wake up early have a better routine. Which will eventually lead to a healthier lifestyle. The morning routine will also save you from sleepless nights. Night owls tend to compromise their sleep for studies or work. The importance of the sleep cycle can’t be ignored as it has drastic effects in the long run. Another benefit is that when we wake up we are fresh and our mind isn’t cluttered with any information or tension. A fresh mind makes it easy for the brain to function and enhances our efficiency while studying.
Major Takeaways
- Having a proper sleep cycle and daily routine
- A fresh uncluttered mind
- High energy and efficiency
- Natural Light keeps you alert
Waking up early in the morning is not everyone’s cup of tea. Many people feel lazy and sleepy in the morning and take time to kickstart. People with hectic work loads or individuals who work in night or evening shifts fail to wake up in the morning. Even if they enforce the morning schedule they are less productive and efficient because of the lack of rest.
Night Time Study
Night time studying is a very common method followed by many individuals. People who study in the night are generally referred to as the Night Owls. The thing that makes the method so popular and commonly used is its versatility & use. In modern times people don’t wish to waste a single moment and even utilize their night time in productive things. It is seen that most students prefer the night time studying pattern. There are many benefits of night time studying too.
There are many benefits of night time studies, especially for students or professionals who work in regular 9 to 5 jobs. As these individuals are busy in the morning or day, the night time schedule perfectly fits their timeline. At night there is less to no rush or activities which minimizes the distraction or disturbances. The silence of night provides a perfect environment for a person to focus on their studies. People are done with all their work and activities by the night which also helps them to stay focused on their studies. It is seen that we are more creative during the night and tend to remember the things which we have practiced at night as it is still there in our subconscious mind while we are asleep.
Major Takeaways
- More peace and quiet
- Less distractions and disturbances
- Sleeping after studying can consolidate information and improve recall
There are few cons or disadvantages of studying at night. Night studies disturb or sleep cycle as most people compromise their sleep and study till late night. In today’s time most people use phones, laptops or tablets to study. The screen light and radiation are not good for our health and may result in long term sleep cycle issues. With all this if you don’t take proper rest your next day will be filled with laziness and efficiency & productivity will decrease drastically.
So, which is better: studying day or studying night ? The question is simple but the answer isn’t. The pattern suited for every individual is different. It all depends on your style of studying, time table, comfort zone and preference. But always remember to never compromise your health. Have a holistic approach and choose a pattern which suits you the best.
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