Types of Character Flaws – 4 Major Types

4 major types of character flaws
4 major types of character flaws

Types of Character Flaws: Every character ought to have both positive and negative attributes because in the real world every human is a combination of both. The flaws are significant to portray the weakness, thoughts, actions, and behaviours leading to mistakes. This creates a conflict between the self and other characters creating tension for a great plot. Flaws can be several kinds that work as a drawback denying the self-growth of the character. In this article, we are going to read about the 4 major types of character flaws.

Major Character Flaws

4 Major Types of Character Flaws
4 Major Types of Character Flaws

This kind of flaw derives as a result of reshaping the character’s outlook on the world and other painful incidents. His distorted vision will bleed into his character with others by coloring his judgment and constraining his deeds. The character will often be more expressively sensitive in certain situations that are evocative of wounding past events. For example, a character who has been used during a painful event will build up mistrust.

After a bitter experience in life, the viewpoint of the character has altered. Now he questions the intentions of others during interactions, looks for concealed agendas, and believes that others are seeking to take advantage. The character with this flaw will create a life-altering storyline. Their reactions in most situations stem from an incorrect belief as he tries to protect themselves from being hurt. These characters are often prejudiced, paranoid, people pleasers, and selfish, and they are defining fear.

Minor Character Flaws

4 Major Types of Character Flaws
4 Major Types of Character Flaws

Minor flawed characters have a lesser influence and they stem from a major flaw. The character generally views the off-putting features as a “part of who I am”, albeit they create difficulty at times. During worrying moments, these traits might set hurdles in situations or damage judgment. For example, the short temper of a character might cause trouble in the workplace and hence spoil relationships with colleagues. In the persona of a mistrustful main character, a lesser flaw might be undiplomatic. He exhibits that most people don’t deserve consideration. The difference between the mistrustful character and the undiplomatic character is between the secretive, overprotective nature and the hurtful honesty. These characters play the role of a know-it-all, sarcastic, and self-deprecating.

Fatal Character Flaws

4 Major Types of Character Flaws
4 Major Types of Character Flaws

In fiction, every main character has a fatal flaw that emphasizes an inner deficit that is constraining the characters from feeling content. In the preface of your story, the protagonist is stuck for a certain reason. They are unable to move on, succeed, or grow, or their life has a deficiency in some way. The flaw of the character is the obstruction that stands in the path of his character development. Often these characters fail to identify their flaws and consider the flaw as strengths. The character recognizes the flaws and realizes that he needs to confront them and thus achieve self-growth.

Tragic Character Flaws

4 Major Types of Character Flaws
4 Major Types of Character Flaws

Occasionally, characters fail to overpower their fatal flaws. The things and emotions that are restricting the character cannot move past that. This happens due to the fear of defeat and getting hurt, which makes him remain stuck with the flaws. As the name of the character flaw suggests, this happens in a tragedy. This is also one of the essential causes of the creation of a villain. These characters consume their grudges. Their decisions are driven by their ambition and pride, and their identity gets tied to their desire for getting praised.

Flaws play a key role in choosing the character flaw for each character. This helps to understand the characters at their core. The readers have to neglect the obvious flaws and read profoundly through the layers of actions and behaviours. The combinations of flaws are endless and that makes each story unique and compelling.

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