The Mask Falling (The Bone Season Book 4): Book by Samantha Shannon

The Mask Falling: Book by Samantha Shannon took me on this unforgettable and unputdownable excursion.
The Mask Falling: Book by Samantha Shannon took me on this unforgettable and unputdownable excursion.

The Mask Falling took me on this unforgettable and unputdownable excursion. I was so caught that a hypothesis I had since book one flew straight over my head. It is because I was so trapped in Paige’s trauma, experiences, reactions, and healing. The Mask Falling says a lot about the author samantha Shannon‘s writing that I didn’t see, not only the ending coming,  but that unexpected twist. Despite the fact that it was something I had been pondering about for such a long time. I additionally experienced difficulty sorting out what characters I could trust and which I was unable to trust. Again it is Shannon’s writing and myself being so trapped in Paige’s perspective.

Paige has experienced such a lot leading up this point in the series. All of that was so well written and delivered. I do not think I have ever read a book that has so perfectly displayed the impact of trauma on a character. The experienced anything like what Paige experienced. I cried with Paige, I cried when she did not even cry.

Arcturus / Warden. The romance which is building up since book one. I prefer not to really go deep about this in my review. It was such a delight to encounter firsthand that I would prefer not to ruin that for any other individual. On the off chance that he had not just won my love he would have doubtlessly taken it multiple times over in The Mask Falling. How supportive and gentle he is with Paige. I’ll never be over it. He deserves the entire world and he will always be my favorite.

Likewise I am totally overwhelmed by the development and unpredictability of the world in these books. Also how far reaching it spreads between the various nations and diverse voyant syndicates. I can hardly wait to see where the following book will take us after the events of this one. The Mask Falling was an excursion that left me as eager and anxious as ever and left with tons of questions about what is to come. As always The Mask Falling was completely worth the wait.

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Book Review Podcast ( The Mask Falling: Book by Samantha Shannon )

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