In school and college, you would have noticed that in spite of you and your classmates being in the same class and being taught by the same teacher, there are some students who end up doing better in examinations than the others. While most of it varies on an individual’s ability to learn and remember things, different learning styles also play an important role here. Howard Gardner proposed the theory of the 7 learning styles. He insisted that everyone has a different learning method, and tried to cover the broad learning spectrum into seven areas. He also said that students and people, in general, would do way better at learning if they are presented with information through different mediums.
The 7 Learning Styles
Visual learning is the type of learning style that we have been practicing right from when we were kids. We see something or someone and start forming an association with it. For example, when a small baby sees their mother, they immediately know it is her because they have seen her take care of them, feed them, clean them, etc. The ability to recognize faces comes from visual learning itself. In terms of academics, visual learning is when a student prefers learning through visual things, such as by looking at pictures, colorful charts, flashcards, etc. People who prefer learning visually get images clear in their heads and can use that to their advantage.

Children who prefer to use their muscles, pick up and build, etc. are known as kinesthetic learners. They tend to learn things better when they are also physically acting towards it. For example, kinesthetic learners will find it easier to learn numbers when there are blocks given to them and they have to build a tower of a certain number of blocks, or they can learn alphabets better when they are given other games or activities where you have to fill in the alphabets physically. In some cases, physical movement helps the brain to record the memory better and more clearly.
Logical, also known as a mathematical learner, is a child who learns better through logical reasoning and proper methodology. These are often children who like to ask questions about why certain things are the way they are, and also prefer receiving a well-structured and meaningful answer to it. These kids prefer to have good reasoning behind everything, which helps them learn and grow. It becomes difficult to teach them, as well as for them to learn if there is no proper explanation for an answer. Logical learners do well in fields that include or have a dominance of science and mathematics.

Children are very quick to pick up something that they heard. However, there are some that are better than the others at picking things up and remembering them. These children are aural learners. They learn better when the material is being given to them through auditory means, such as recorded lectures, podcasts, music, audiobooks, etc. They can remember things that were said better than remembering things that they read somewhere or written somewhere. The best way to study for these kinds of learners is to record the study material themselves and listen to it over and over again till it is clear to them.
Verbal or linguistic learners are people who learn and remember by speaking more. Remember as children, most the parents would constantly ask their children to say what they are reading out loud, as it can help with memorization. That stands true for many people as while saying things out loud, you are also hearing them back. Children who do well with verbal learning tend to have an upper hand in vocabulary-related games such as word puzzles, or crosswords, and also like to sing.

Social learning is when a child prefers to learn in groups of people. They like to develop their knowledge by talking to people around them and learning from their experiences and stories. These children often tend to do extremely well in classroom settings, and might not do so well if home-schooled. They are extremely confident in their skills and often are good speakers and listeners. Learning with a group helps them open up to different ideas and thoughts. Children with interpersonal or social learning styles would also prefer learning through conducting real-life research and survey about the concept that they are studying.
Solitary is the exact opposite of the social learning style. This is when a child finds it comfortable and prefers to learn when they are alone. Being alone helps their minds focus more and better on the subject matter. They might get distracted or overwhelmed by studying in classrooms. These kids will do great if home-schooled. They might be socially shy as well. Being alone gives them the comfort of not being looked over by someone, they can find their peace of mind and study well then.
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