Increase EQ: 10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

Increase EQ: 10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
Increase EQ: 10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

In the modern day and age, Emotional Quotient or EQ is just as important as Intelligence Quotient or IQ, nit just in determining success, but also in leading a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, not everyone comes equipped with emotional smarts in order to deal with the world. But the good news is that increase EQ can be honed and developed in order to maximize satisfaction in your personal and professional life. Here’s a list of 10 books that will boost your emotional intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

Increase EQ
Increase EQ

In this non-fiction novel, Goleman describes the two sides of our mind – the rational and the emotional. Together, they help us write our life story. Goleman talks about the five aspects of our emotional intelligence and gives tops on how those can be honed in order to better our life. In addition, he uses examples and case studies from psychology and neuroscience to drive his point home.

The EQ Edge by Steven J Stein and Howard E Book

10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

This insightful read makes use of plenty of examples in different arenas of life such as workplace as well as case studies to explain the meaning of EI. Steven and Howard break down the complex concept for laymen and explain exactly how it works. In the process, they give useful tips on how to form more effective and meaningful relationships, minimize conflict, be more enthusiastic and positive and up your self-confidence.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Increase EQ
Increase EQ

With more than 15 million copies sold, this book is one of the most loved in the world. This book offers timeless advice to excel in professional and personal relationships. This book offers six steps to making people like you and nine steps to make people act the way you’d like. This is an essential aspect of emotional intelligence – the ability to communicate and express things. It is also the aspect of emotional intelligence that is most applicable for aspiring leaders, businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Go Suck a Lemon by Michael Cornwall

10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

This book is an intersection of psychology and self-help and provides not just theories and definitions but also concrete ways to improve your EQ. From cognitive techniques to skills and exercises, this is your definitive guide to improving your emotional intelligence.

The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley

Increase EQ

This is a collection of writings that unites the common teachings of all religions and points to one Divine Reality. While this book may not be as objective and scientific as the others on this list, one cannot deny that religion plays an important role in society. It includes Zen Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Christian mysticism and features an eclectic range of selections from the Bible, Geeta and Rumi. Hence this treatise on philosophy by the prolific author of ‘Brave New World’ is a must read work. This will tear apart the religious barriers of your mind and make you an open-minded person. This will increase your emotional empathy towards other people different from you in beliefs and personalities.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

In this book, Chapman details the five styles in which humans show and like to receive affection The five styles are – physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts and quality time. An online test will reveal to you what yours and what others’ is or even otherwise, a bit of introspection makes it plenty clear. This book will help you realise how you and others in your life like to be loved, and you can incorporate this compassion in your daily life. Since empathy, especially in the way you show love, is an integral part of emotional intelligence, this book will definitely boost your EI.

Building Emotional Intelligence by Linda Lantieri

Increase EQ
Increase EQ

This is a parenting book about building your child’s emotional intelligence. It offers a systematic and accessible program to develop resilience and emotional capacity in children. It is not as informational as some of the other books on this list. However it offers ways to apply all concepts in real life, especially in the context of children.

Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman

10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

One often overlooked aspect integral to brilliant entrepreneurship is emotional intelligence. This book dives deep into exactly that, highlighting on the role that emotional intelligence plays in leadership. This book diverges from the traditional entrepreneurial qualities of vision, strategy, market knowledge. Instead, it focuses on relationship management, intuitive understanding and team building. This is written by the master of EI himself, Daniel Goleman and is his second book on this list. However, it’s quite different and just as insightful as the first.

Emotional Alchemy by Tara Bennett-Goleman

Increase EQ
Increase EQ

This non-fiction psychology talks about the transformative power of mindfulness, as he cover page of the book correctly says. This book focuses on ten emotional patterns that lead to unhappiness in our lives and talks about ways to tackle them. These include social exclusion, fear of abandonment and vulnerability. This book will help you know yourself better and will also improve your emotional intelligence.

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence
10 Books That Will Boost Your Emotional Intelligence

In this novel, Kahneman explains in detail the two ways in which our mind works. System 1 is the faster, less complex and heuristic based method of responding to immediate dangers. System 2 is the slower but more thorough and complex way of thinking. Kahneman talks about the upsides – speed and reaction time – and downsides – the biases and judgements – of the fast way of thinking. In reading this book, you will realise that it’s important to take your own time in making decisions and refrain from impulsiveness. Such decisions will minimize emotional conflict and maximise happiness.

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