How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress

How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress
How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress

How to Overcome Exam Stress: Exam season equals unparalleled stress for students. And even though it’s vacation time for most students right now, it only takes something to stir the memory of those trying exam times to feel stressed. But there are some guaranteed ways you can reduce stress of any kind, but especially exam stress. And in today’s article, they’ve been listed below.

Catch a quick nap

Naps are honestly underrated. If you feel bogged down by work, a nap might be a good way to refresh yourself. Sleep gives your body and mind some much-needed rest and helps in keeping negative thoughts at bay. However, it’s important to be careful about the amount of time you sleep for because too much sleep can make you feel even more tired. A short half an hour nap or even a one hour nap might be perfect to rejuvenate you!

How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress
How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress

Use reinforcement to your benefit

Reinforcement is the principle of behavioural psychology wherein you apply a reward or obliteration of a punishment to motivate behaviour. To put it in simple words, treat yourself with something you like or take something you dislike off your plate as a reward for completing a certain amount of work. These rewards could range from a bar of chocolate, some TV time or simply a break.

Fuel your body well

What you put into your body determines how you feel. Although stress eating and binging on junk food might seem like a great and easy way to deal with stress, it will affect you negatively. Putting the wrong kind of fuel in your body will make you feel groggy, tired and unmotivated. The best way to deal with this desire is to replace junk food with healthier yet just as tasty alternatives – such as nuts, berries, hummus platters, roasted veggies or corn.

Promenade in the nature

Taking a walk in the lap of nature is an extremely underrated way to get rid of stress. This is also a great way to practise self-care and mindfulness. So whenever you feel like you cannot take the stress any more, just walk outside and find a garden or forested area to promenade in. If you live in an urban space, find a complex or retreat which abounds in greenery. If possible, do this in the morning so you can hear the bird’s tweetter, it is a calming sound.

How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress
How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress

Study in chunks

If you break up the vast portion you need to study for exams into small chunks, you will stop finding it as intimidating. By chunking the portion, it will feel more doable and will instantly reduce stress. You can even plan and organize accordingly, thinking about how many chunks you need to cover each day to finish the portion well in time. As you near the exam, chunking the portion to take regular breaks from effective studying will help.

Don’t skip what you dislike

It’s all too easy to skip things you don’t like, especially in subjects you dislike. But though this might temporarily put you at ease because the portion reduces, this will not help your stress in the long run. Subconsciously, you will still know it’s coming for the exam, and this will keep giving you anxiety. So the best thing to do is prepare for the more difficult topics in advance so that you can do justice to them. Plus, this way you can get done with it ASAP.

Exercise for a bit

Exercising is another way to get your mind off stress. Basically, rigorous exercise releases endorphins, which are happy hormones designed to make you feel good. The inflow of feel-good hormones neutralizes the stress and will make you feel better. Plus exercise will also tire you out physically. And when you’re physically tired, you’re mentally active. However, too much exercise can exhaust you enough to make you want to sleep – beware of that.

How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress
How to Overcome Exam Stress | Best Ways to Beat Exam Stress

Have a conversation with someone you love

Just like exercise releases dopamine and endorphins, which are feel-good hormones, so does talking to people you love. Calling up an old friend, your best friend or a family member you love and trust can help in multiple ways. First, it gives you instant reassurance that you can do it. Second, it makes you feel comforted and loved, which boosts your mood and improves productivity. Third, it acts as a great break so that you can return refreshed.

Practise some self-care

Self-care looks different for everyone. Having a skincare routine, lighting candles and taking a bath, reading in a favourite book, spending a day or night out with friends and family or even just having a warm cup of hot chocolate are different forms of skincare. Look within, and find one that appeals to you most, and practise it every day. Self-love is essential during times of stress. Remember to give yourself grace, and don’t be too hard on yourself.

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