How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them
How to Make New Year's Resolutions and Keep Them

How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them: We are almost at the verge of 2022 and people are excited about the New Year Celebrations. But the New Year’s are not just about celebration and party, one more important aspect of every new year is resolution. Most people like creating new year resolutions in the hope of making positive impacts in their lives. However, most people miserably fail in following their resolutions. But that doesn’t mean that one should stop making resolutions. So we’ll be talking about 7 tips that will help you in creating and maintaining your New Year’s resolution.

Ask Yourself Why You Want to Make a Resolution

Whenever we do something in life we need to ask ourselves why we want to do certain things or need to make certain decisions. The same way you need to ask yourself why you need to make a resolution, what’s the need of making a resolution in the first place. If you are making a resolution just because it’s trendy, cool or others are doing it, then you should take a step back. And think what’s your need for making a resolution then move forward.

Write Down Your Goals and Targets

We all have our set of problems and ambitions. But while making a new year’s resolution, you need to have clarity in your thoughts. For this you need to write down and prioritize your goals and targets. The main reason for writing down your goals and targets is to select a few or one of the goals which you really want to focus upon.

How to Make New Year's Resolutions and Keep Them
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them

Be Realistic

While choosing targets or even while making your resolutions one needs to be realistic. If you choose something very vague or almost impossible tasks. Then there are high chances that you’ll lose interest or discontinue the process of achieving or maintaining your resolution because of its difficulty level. Like taking a challenge of losing 10 kgs of weight in a month, when you haven’t even lost a kg of weight in years. Even vague resolutions like I’ll become powerful and rich, without any plan of action or background. Unrealistic resolutions won’t let your New Year revolution last long.

Divide Your Resolution Into Mini Resolutions or Small Targets

Whenever you take up a target or make a resolution, you need to divide your resolution into mini resolutions or small targets. For example if you are a shy person and you make a resolution of becoming a good public speaker by next year. You can’t just take that resolution and move forward. It would be too big a task for you, to make things functional you need to divide that resolution into mini resolutions. In this case your first step can be improving your communication skills. Once you achieve it you can move forward to the next step like building confidence, being comfortable on stage or public. Achieving the mini resolutions or targets will give you confidence and motivation to achieve your final target.

Create a Plan of Action

How to Make New Year's Resolutions and Keep Them
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them

It’s very important to create a plan of action for your resolution. The plan of action is kind of a timetable and a user manual to help you in your journey. While creating a plan of action you’ll also get a better understanding of the threats of your resolution or goal. It’s always good to plan things before you take action.

Don’t Get Overwhelmed Over Small Success

While you are on your journey of sticking to your new year resolution or achieving a target. You should not get too restless or conceited about your success. There is no wrong celebrating or acknowledging your small wins. But getting too restless or conceited can hamper your result or can break your flow. Which will eventually waste all your hard work and dedication in accomplishing your resolution. So, never get too overwhelmed with short term results. On the other hand, being too strict with yourself, will create an unwanted extra pressure and burden on you. This added burden will hamper your process of achieving your goal. So, try going with the flow. Don’t over do anything as it will only work against you in your journey of progression. 

Don’t Be Fearful of Failures

How to Make New Year's Resolutions and Keep Them
How to Make New Year’s Resolutions and Keep Them

We tend to give up and at times give up very early and easily. The main reason behind this is failure. From failure of not being able to complete certain tasks to missing deadlines and targets, every failed attempt increases chances of Giving Up. When you are dedicated and focused towards something, at times you need to forget about the deadline and failures. Just acknowledge and embrace the failures, lawn from it and move on. Till the point you feel the need of doing or following something, you need to keep moving ahead. Don’t be fearful of failures especially when you are striving for something that you really believe in.

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