Scheduling is an important part of one’s life. It makes you more productive and you end up doing so much more work than on a non-scheduled day. However, having a messy schedule or routine can end up stressing you out more instead of not having a schedule at all. Hence, it is important to have a spaced-out routine. Here are some points on how to create a more practical daily routine that is easy to follow and has all the important things that need to be done every day.
How to create a more practical daily routine?
Exercise in the Morning
Waking up in the morning by itself may seem like a huge task, but the morning is the most important time of the day. It is the time when your mind and body, both are refreshed and more active. There is nothing much going on in your mind so it is relatively calm and collected. This makes it an ideal time to exercise and get your body more energized. Just doing around half to one hour of exercise daily in the morning improves not just your health, but your overall mood throughout the day.
Eat a Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day. A lot of people only get to have their meal somewhere around noon when they have been up for hours before that. This can tire the body and is not good for long-term health as well. Eating breakfast every single day is important for daily energy. It will help you sustain till lunch. But just having a regular meal for breakfast is not the solution to this. Your breakfast should consist of something healthy, nothing oily or too filling. You can have bread, eggs, oats, coffee or tea, fruits, or fresh juices for breakfast. Totally avoid eating anything that contains a lot of sugar or is processed and packaged. Foods like cereal, packaged juices, sweet pancakes, etc. should be avoided at all costs.
Spend Less Time on Devices
We spend so much of our time simply scrolling through something on our phones. This sometimes takes up hours and hours of our daily schedule, and most of the time, we do not even realize it. Phones and other screens can be very addictive very soon. It is necessary to limit their use as much as you can. There are many apps and built software on your phone itself that track the usage of your phone. It shows you how many hours you have used the phone, and provides a breakthrough of where you are spending most of your time on. This can help you understand where exactly you need to spend less time. Too much screen time can also lead to eye strain and headaches, so it is best to avoid them.
Keep Taking Breaks
Preparing a schedule can be a tough challenge, but it is something that must be done by everyone. However, while preparing a schedule, we should have a practical understanding of ourselves and our ability to do tasks. There are chances that you might end up putting all difficult tasks back-to-back, without any major breaks in between. This can take a toll on your mental and physical health, and you might end up giving up on the schedule soon. To avoid this, try adding more breaks in the middle of difficult tasks, so they can be balanced.
Take A Break
Exercise should be done mandatory every day, but along with that, you should try and take a walk at least once a day. it can be a short stroll around the park or even walking around the house. Unlike the other things in our daily schedule, walking does not need to be done at a certain time of the day, you can walk whenever you feel comfortable. A morning walk can help you stay awake and freshen you up, an afternoon walk can avoid making you feel tired, and a night walk can calm you down, and exhaust you so you can sleep well at night. It can be a form of meditation as well.
Give Importance to Work
Procrastinating on tasks is a very natural tendency of many. We often tend to postpone and delay tasks that bore us, but it is also often that these so-called boring tasks are the ones that are very important to do. The best way to avoid this is to prioritize and do the important tasks and jobs first. This will avoid clashes and even if you are not able to finish off everything that you planned for the day, at least the important work will be done.
Spare Some Extra Hours
While preparing a schedule, keep some extra hours in between, or at the end of the day out for yourself. These hours are not the breaks, just some time where you can do extra activities that you wish to do at that particular moment. You can use the time to call your friends and family to catch up with them, have a self-care time, read books, or do anything that you please.
Also Read: Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset
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