We often marvel at how reading books can change our perspective and life. Certainly it will not help, if you are reading 100 self-help books regarding daily motivation or study motivation and trying to implement those ideas in your life. In this article we are going to read about how reading one good book and implementing it in life is better than reading 100 books.

One good book can help you understand yourself, society, the people around you, your present situation, what exactly you need to work on, and how you can help yourself and your condition. You do not need the help of 100 books to make you feel motivated. If you are willing to change and you think a book can help you, one good book is enough. 100 books cannot help you as much as one book will – it will be a waste of your time, which you can utilize in learning other things. We will see how one good book can impact your life.

Strengthens Your Brain

Books are known for strengthening our brains. Books can do wonders; each sentence of a good book can change your perspective and yourself in ways that you will not be able to realize. Imagine reading 10 steps in one book and thousand steps in 100 books. If one good book will suggest you wake up and start exercising, others will ask you to study. Instead of perplexing your mind by focusing on 100 books, focus on one at a time, and then we can always turn to another book.

How Reading One Good Book and implementing it in Life is better than Reading 100 Books
How Reading One Good Book and implementing it in Life is better than Reading 100 Books

Ability to Focus

It often happens that we have to go through two or three books at a time, when exams are coming up and things. But, when it concerns implementation in your life, I believe you should focus on it and read 20 or 30 pages every day and go on with the process like that. Books such as Do One Thing Every Day that Makes You Happy or Do One Thing Every Day that Scares You are the kind of books that is filled with inspirational prompts and knowledge which can help you find motivation each day.

Reduce Stress

Reading books reduces stress, and we all know it. But it often happens that self-help book provides false hope, and increase the uncertainty of readers which will most probably happen if you confuse your brain by reading 100 books. Books such as The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Atomic Habits by James Clear, Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miller, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey – are some books that can change your mind and turn into a positive path. Reading one of these books as soon as you wake up or before going to bed can cause a positive change in your mental health.

How Reading One Good Book and implementing it in Life is better than Reading 100 Books
How Reading One Good Book and implementing it in Life is better than Reading 100 Books

Proper Rest

One of the ways to keep our physical and mental health well is rest and as Virginia Woolf once said – “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.” If a book is so significant to you that you want to implement it in your life, you must keep the advice and words of that book in your mind.

If you imagine your daily routine – wake up, read a few pages of the motivational book, freshen up, do house chores, study, breakfast, study, meal, study, and again a few pages of the self-help book. Even If you are a working person you can also follow a similar routine and read a few pages of the self-help book after waking up and before going to bed. That way it will be easier for you to understand and implement the ideas in your life. These are times when our mind is charged and is capable of remembering things.

Also Read: 10 Books To Read On Your Birthday

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