Healthy Discussion is a Good Thing But Argument is Not

Healthy discussion is a good thing but argument is not
Healthy discussion is a good thing but argument is not

We all know that a healthy discussion is a good thing but argument is not because an argument and a discussion are focused on two different results. We argue to win and to know who is the right one and we discuss to know what the right thing to do is. It is always a matter of ego when it comes to an argument as each human tend to have ideas and opinion that is very dear to them. Because our principles and opinions are different from others and it is a part of our identity as humans. So, when it comes to any conversation or discussion we want our ideas and opinions to be prioritized and recognized by others.

Some say that how a person reacts to certain things shows how mature they are. I mean, when it comes to an argument there is no way anyone is going to win. After a certain point, they will stop, someone will make it stop, or one of the parties would walk away. If an opinion is strong enough it should not have to be screamed or pressured by someone or a group.

Healthy Discussion is a Good Thing But Argument is Not | Healthy Discussion Vs Argument
Healthy Discussion is a Good Thing But Argument is Not | Healthy Discussion Vs Argument

What arguments does is, it does not let others listen to a statement and instead it becomes a fight over who can speak louder and cut off each others’ sentences. There is always too much boasting, eye-rolling, sarcasm, anger, and impatience in an argument, with no acknowledgement of the progress that the other person or company made so far. There is a strong refusal of listening to the other person and moving positions from the predetermined decision. People who tend to argue a lot tends to be more obstinate or egotistic or both.

When people say ‘communication is the key’, it is not just for relationships, it implies every aspect of your life be it business, relationships, academics, family matters, and more. Everything can be solved with the help of communication. Discussions can solve everything. The purpose of the discussion is to know the opinion of the rest of the people in the room. After listening to each of the opinions, one option is collectively chosen or something more is added to it for the benefit of the group.

Healthy Discussion is a Good Thing But Argument is Not | Healthy Discussion Vs Argument
Healthy Discussion is a Good Thing But Argument is Not | Healthy Discussion Vs Argument

What healthy discussion does is, it focuses on the behaviour, issue, and problems of the matter and not on a particular person. It does not move the discussion away from the topic with any unnecessary conversation. When you are in a discussion you need to understand that the other person who is suggesting an option or opinion has good intentions regarding the matter. The only way to have anything healthy be it discussion or relationship there has to be respect for the other person, so acknowledging their feelings is important.

The other people present in the family dining or conference table of a office have to try and understand. You need to encourage the other person to speak by letting them know that you want to know what they have to share. There should be more questions and respectable tone and less lecturing or boasting. If someone is confused it is the responsibility of yours of the group to clear it out so they don’t feel left out or disrespected. You need to consider opposing point of views as well and link the similar perspectives too. If everyone agrees too soon, you need to advise each other to take a moment and understand if it is a mutual agreement for the benefit or to avoid a conflict.

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