Girl Under Water : By – L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain | Novel Review and Podcast

Girl Under Water : By – L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain is An absolutely unputdownable and gripping crime thriller
Girl Under Water : By - L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain is An absolutely unputdownable and gripping crime thriller

By – L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain

Girl Under Water by L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain is a great suspense thriller novel

It got me from the earliest starting point. Truly, I had a feeling that I was an invisible character in the novel. At the point when Charlie is called to investigate the unexpected death of the patriarch of the Carmichael family, she winds up in a home of grumblers, drunks and pretenders! Gloria Carmichael (the elder daughter) stumbles into some data that she needs to share with Charlie and chooses to visit her. After showing up at Charlie’s place, Gloria is killed by a speeding driver and whatever data she had goes with her. Charlie ends up in a position where she needs to interview the whole family.

My number one character was Vivian, who turned out to be the senior patriarch’s girlfriend. All speculation is tossed her way by the family and after Charlie interviews her, an alternate dynamic is tossed into the story. Vivian (and I was unable to help imagining Richard Gere shouting for Vivian in “Pretty Woman”) and Charlie make an incredible group! It would be pleasant to embed her in a book some place (what do you think?).

The plot takes off at a decent speed and it is fascinating as Charlie meets all the Carmichael siblings. Clearly one of them is guilty, yet it appears to be that every one of them might be suspects, may have an intention, and likely have mysteries. Charlie needs to clear her path through the falsehood and diverting sibling elements between every one of them to attempt to bits together what probably occurred. She additionally needs to get imaginative to find Dutch’s long time girlfriend and find what she needs to state. When the novel presents all the players, it begins to get a speed, with exciting twists and is un-put-downable.

Charlie is a fascinating character, both insightful and natural. Charlie additionally hears the voice of her killed twin sister Allie in her mind. (Allie was killed twenty years back.) Allie and Charlie keep up a running dialogue between them, Although quite a bit of it comprises of jokes and wry remarks from Allie with Charlie answering. I need to state directly from the beginning that I discovered Allie’s voice to be meddlesome and diverting, and for me it detracted the genuine investigation. I needed to really focus on setting her voice aside so it didn’t continue to redirect my consideration from the real plot. For me it would have worked better to make if Allie a real companion assisting with the examination instead of a bodiless voice.

Podcast ( Girl Under Water : By – L.T. Vargus and Tim McBain )

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