Famous Authors Born In August | Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August

Famous Authors Born In August
Famous Authors Born In August | Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August

Readers are eternally indebted to August for giving us some of the nest characters ever. From writers of classics to new favourites, there are a host of Writers who celebrate their birthdays in August. This article is about the famous authors born in August and their brief introduction.

Famous Authors Born In August | Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August:

Suzanne Collins

Famous Authors Born In August
Famous Authors Born In August

The prolific author of the ‘Hunger Games’ trilogy was born on August 10th, 1962. She studied from the Alabama School of Fine Arts and began her career as a scriptwriter for children’s TV shows. It was her Hunger Games that catapulted her to fame, and she has since written several New York Times bestsellers.

James Baldwin

Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August
Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August

The American author of ‘Giovanny’s Room’ and several other poignant books, graced the planet with his arrival on August 2nd, 1924. His works are characterized by social and psychological themes, often interspersing race and gender issues with them. Baldwin was raised in poverty by a single mother. He suffered abuse due to his race, but never lost confidence in his intellect. He worked at a newspaper before venturing into writing and has left several memorable works in his wake.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Famous Authors Born In August
Famous Authors Born In August

Considered one of the best poets of all time, Shelley, like his wife, was born in August. Born in 1972 at Sussex, Shelley studied at Eton College, where others bullied him. He also studied at the Oxford University, but his authorship of the essay ‘The Necessity of Atheism’ resulted in his expulsion. He married twice, and authored a number of famous poetry works such as ‘Hymns to Intellectual Beauty’ and ‘Prometheus Unbound’.

Danielle Steele

Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August
Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August

Danielle Steel is an American novelist born in August, 1947 who writes mesmerizing romance novels. She has thematic elements which recur in almost all her novels – rich families faced with troubles regarding fraud, prison, embezzlement, debt and blackmail. Steel started writing very young, and had already ventured into poetry as a teen. She married at the age of 18, worked for a public relations firm while simultaneously struggling to write her first novel. She subsequently married a prisoner she met while researching, and although they divorced later, he inspired the two novels that skyrocketed her career – ‘Passion’s Promise’ and ‘Now and Forever’.

HP Lovecraft

Famous Authors Born In August
Famous Authors Born In August

The celebrated author of horror and gothic novels was also born in August. Although originally an American, he later emigrated to New England. The fact is, he was quite unfamous throughout his life, and gained a huge following only after it. He married Sonia Greene, but she claims that although satisfactory, he was a passive lover.

Dorothy Parker

Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August
Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August

Parker was a late 19th century American author, poet and essayist, known for her work in feminist fiction. She was born in New Jersey on August 22nd, and her first stint as a writer was a poem published in Vanity Fair. Consequently, she married (for the second time) the actor Alan Campbell and wrote for the New Yorker and other magazines. Her famous works include ‘The House at Pooh Corner’ and ‘The Telephone Call’.

Jorge Luis Borges

Famous Authors Born In August
Famous Authors Born In August

Borges is an Argentinian writer, but one with international acclaim. Indeed, his works of translated fiction are studied in universities all over the world. He is a bilingual, and was homeschooled until the age of eleven. He published articles in journals, and even founded a few. In the 1930s, his fiction began to explore themes of existentialism, and a style called ‘irreality’. It was this that he became famous for.

John Green

Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August
Writers Who Celebrate Their Birthdays In August

John Green needs no introduction – he’s the bestselling American author of ‘Looking For Alaska’, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, ‘Turtles All The Way Down’ and more. Green was born in Indianapolis in 1977 and graduated from Kenyon college with double majors in English and Religious Studies. He co hosts a YouTube channel with his brother, Hank, who is also an author.

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