DC Comics Characters With Dark History/Past: DC’s villains and heroes have come out of tragedy ever since the Golden Age, while Batman’s tragic past is undoubtedly the most well-known. Although Batman’s origin is the benchmark for tragic backstories, several DC characters have even more upsetting pasts. The sad narrative that gave rise to a thousand villains and heroes can be said to be Batman’s origin in many ways. But when you think about it, Bruce Wayne was still a multi-billionaire, and he still had Alfred around him. So it’s hardly the worst tragedy ever, after all. More tragic backstories than Batman’s may be found for many villains and heroes in the DC Universe. In comparison to the Batman, even some characters have more redeeming qualities.
DC Comics Characters With Dark History/Past
Mister Freeze

Among all Batman’s foes, Mister Freeze’s tragic past is the most heart-breaking. Victor Fries was a wealthy man until his wife was diagnosed with a terminal illness. He labored to discover a cure but was forced to live a criminal life to pay for it, dooming himself to spend the rest of his days in a cold suit due to an accident. Freeze does every crime he does pay for his wife’s treatment. Fries lived a rich life before turning evil, but when he lost his lover, he was just as helpless as little Bruce Wayne when facing a dire situation. He believes it is an awful situation because he is compelled to do out dreadful deeds in order to rescue the lady he loves.
Jason Todd

Of all the Robins, Jason Todd’s upbringing was the most difficult. His mother, a doctor, lost custody of him while his father wed a drug user. Jason was left as an orphan, staying in his father’s abandoned flat, and finally turned to crime after his stepmother died from an overdose and his father was slain while working for Two-Face’s gang. Todd was left without any resources and forced to fend for himself. His mother eventually came back into his life, but that had a terrible outcome as well because she had been used as a pawn in the Joker’s murderous plot.

The bond between Batman and Catwoman has a long and complicated history. They got together so well as Selina Kyle, who was also an orphan, however, was forced to live in foster homes and orphanages. She had to fight for herself and turn to crime out of need because the utmost she could dream for was the nuns who were not abusive. Although their lives followed very different turns, they ultimately found themselves in the same situation as two extremely adept individuals playing the game cat and bat. They would eventually run into each other, and the remaining is history, but Batman is aware that his tragedy is nothing compared to hers.
Martian Manhunter

The most adaptable member of the Justice League, Martian Manhunter, has experienced sorrow throughout his life. His brother Ma’alefa’ak created H’ronmeer’s Curse, a telepathic virus, after developing a hatred towards the Martian race back on Mars. It spread like wildfire across Mars, but J’onn was able to temporarily protect his family. But his good fortune ran out. The virus killed his daughter and wife just in front of him once they both had it. J’onn survived only because Dr. Saul Erdel took him to Earth as all of Mars turned to dust. He lost his family along with losing everyone and everything he loved.
Barry Allen

As the Flash, Barry Allen rose to prominence in the superhero world, but tragedy ruined his early years. When his mother was assassinated, little Barry’s parents were having a divorce, and his father was the only one to be suspected. Barry was raised without any of his parents and afterward committed himself to establish the innocence of his father. What’s worse is that Reverse-Flash had intentionally killed Barry’s mother by traveling back in time as part of a plot tormenting his adversary. Barry would discover that his parents’ deaths were entirely the result of one man’s personal hatred.

In many ways, Bane’s ruthlessness was borne out of necessity. For his father’s sins, Bane was imprisoned as a youngster in Santa Prisca’s toughest jail, where he had to endure the most terrible circumstances possible. He trained to be stronger, quicker, brighter, and tougher than those around him in order to live since he was a kid in a world of older predators. Bane never experienced a childhood that was even remotely typical. His early years consisted largely of a struggle for survival. At least Bruce Wayne made the decision to become Batman. The only options available to Bane were life or death.
Super Girl

Supergirl has established herself as a fantastic hero, and this all began when she was a young kid growing up in Argo City. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow, by Tom King and Bilquis Evely, reveals that Kara wasn’t blasted out of Argo City before people began dying. When Krypton was destroyed, the city was thrown from the planet, but the land was already made of radioactive Kryptonite. Kara Zor-El saw the starvation, radiation sickness, and infrastructure collapse that caused the deaths of her fellow Kryptonians. Her father took her away before someone else perished so she would have an opportunity to live despite doing all she could and save her people.
Lex Luthor

Many basic misconceptions about Lex Luthor exist among readers. His childhood is the root of many of his problems. Lionel Luthor was a horrible person, a monster who reveled in physically and mentally abusing his young son. Lex has a horrible childhood and believed he was indeed the least valuable individual on the planet. This undoubtedly had a significant impact on him. Despite losing his parents, Bruce never lost his affection. Lex’s father was incapable of loving him. Lex did not have to mimic his father’s repulsive actions, but he yearned for affection and continual approval. Even when there is an explanation rather than an explanation for his actions, the tragedy remains.

Superman is DC’s most beloved hero, therefore it should come as no surprise that he has handled the pain in his life in an effective manner. Superman may not have known his parents or lived on Krypton, but the death of his countrymen was a devastating blow to his life. He was adopted by the Kents, just like Alfred raised Bruce as his own father, but he never felt at home among people outside of the farm. Despite being different from Batman’s, his trauma was just as horrific. Despite never having met his friends or family he was more accustomed to his fresh start, but he was still missing something.
Power Girl

In the DC Universe, the Superman family possesses the greatest amount of heroic strength. Even though they aren’t typically regarded as sad, they are deeply painful. A prime example is Power Girl, who was the Supergirl of Earth-2 and lost her homeland of Krypton before reuniting with her family in the form of Superman and Lois. She would be orphaned once more by the shifting sands of the Multiverse, which was unfortunate for her. Power Girl plunged herself into her profession as a superhero since she was lost and had no one to love, yet something was always missing. She lost many families as well as an entire globe.