Books Having Better Characterization Than Movies

books having better characterization than movies
books having better characterization than movies

In today’s high tech world it is surprising to see a large number of people defending an unpopular opinion of books having better characterization than movies. Although, it is hard to say as a whole which medium of depicting a story is stronger. I agree to the saying that books will always be better than any adaptation because it is always better at being itself.

The books can let readers connect to the background of the character which is necessary for a better understanding of the story. It also increases the imagination of the literary critic as they portray things on their own while reading. As book reading is not time constricted it gives a detailed explanation about every little persona and scenes in the whole novel,  which allows the intellectual to get to know the morals, beliefs, values and motives of the characters in the most intimate way possible. Then when the character makes a decision it is easy to understand the “why” to the action there.

Books Having Better Characterization Than Movies
Books Having Better Characterization Than Movies

“The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn the more places you will go”

Dr Seuss

In movies, a lot of the brilliantly developed casts fail to impress the viewers because of their inability to perform the role. As they often do not say what the character are thinking, we can just only look at the way they act and therefore the interpretation is limited to what they role-play. Movie remakes often disappoint the fans as directors have a different perspective of portraying things. These changes usually hamper the plot, putting plot holes and unnecessary cutting the story. That can make the movie hard to relate with the books on which they are based on.  

Books Having Better Characterization Than Movies
Books Having Better Characterization Than Movies

Even with today’s computer graphics and other technological movie magic, pictures cannot always replicate the same stunning sequences that were written by the author because of the brief timings of the big screen. The same happened in Harry Potter movies and the book has many scenes like the one where – In the book, when Hagrid first met harry on the island, he knew who he was right away. While in the film Hagrid mistook Dudley to be Harry until Dudley corrected him. While some changes from the book to movie make sense, others are by necessity. A screen can  surely show you what it looks like to be in a rainstorm, but it will never compare to the readers experience of living in that moment , soaked to the bone , the wind whipping against your face.

“Though there has been much debate on the medium, it is clear that movies can bring an imaginary world to your physical one, but books allows us to become a part of that world.”

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