Nourishing mind is as important as nourishing our body. Through the intake of nutrients(food) we nourish our body. There are so many different ways to make our mind healthy, relaxed and more productive. Some people do mediation and several other techniques for their minds.

Similarly, some people choose books to stimulate or nourish their minds. People of any age can read books, there is no age boundaries for reading a book. If we talk about kids then books are the perfect gift for kids. They are very vital for our children’s. Books are the best friend of a person. They always support the child in the present as well as in the future. Books are the perfect gift for anyone, a person can gift books to their friends and loved ones almost at any occasion.

A parent should gift books to their kids on festivals like Christmas, new year instead of gift them toys, video games, etc. Because it is very important to surround our kids with books. Books will always help them in their entire life, in fact books are the key to almost everything. Giving books as a gift on festivals signifies the importance, meaning, and the joy of books. It also indicates to our kids that books are special and celebration of special things we have is always worthy.

A child who read books has an innovative mind in comparison to other kids who does not read books. Their minds are clear with thoughts, and also they become Good at expressing themselves in front of others. They barely hesitate to talk about a problem with their friends, family, etc. Reading books consistently such as novels, comics also maintains a schedule of reading and this is very helpful for kids in their academics.

Books Are The Perfect Gift For Kids
Books Are The Perfect Gift For Kids

Playing video games can not help a child in their academics. It is only a mode of fun. In fact playing video games in excess amount can only distract a kid from his or her studies. On the other hand a book helps them in their studies. Reading books can never be a waste of time to somebody. A book has the power or the ability to create a spark, a vibe, a curiosity and a confidence in kids.

Consistent reading of informative books is very helpful for the cognitive development of a child. It’s a parents’ responsibility that their child knows how to read a book. They should teach their kids the importance of reading books, if they do not give their kids the proper guidance of how to read a book, then there might be higher chances that their kids skip school, afraid or hesitate to risk reading aloud in front of their friends or anybody else. And this situation may lead them towards the ‘Antisocial’ thing. These kinds of fears lasts forever with them in most of the cases. And this fear of embarrassment can also cause social anxiety, stress, panic attacks, etc.

So by maintain these kinds of good habits in children boost up their confidence, and they do not fear judgement. Library is a place where all can read books of any genre. No one can feel themselves as a loner in a library because they are surrounded with the books and yes a book is a very good friend of a person. Somewhere down the line bookshelves in a home attract kids and this is a very basic step to ensure that their kids are prepared to succeed in their grades or schools.

The Book is a present that one can open whenever they want, and it won’t get worthless. There are thousands of children’s books available and giving these books to kids at any occasion is way better than giving them a plastic toy which can not add any good traits in their personality or cognitive development apart from the fun. That is why books are always the better substitute of toys and other gifts for kids.

Also Read: 7 Best Novelizations Of Films

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