Book Clubs to Boost Reading List of Booklovers

book clubs to boost reading list of booklovers
book clubs to boost reading list of booklovers

If you think your collection of books or hold on to classic literature and popular books is inadequate, try these book clubs – join a community of people who are just like you dying to read but could not have the right moment and best reviews to get started yet. Here is a list of 10 book clubs to boost reading list of booklovers.

Modern Mrs Darcy Book Club

This book club requires a monthly membership but it provides a lot of exclusive materials. By registering with this book club you get to go through exclusive interviews and sessions with classes, group forums, and writers. The classes cover a vivid range of subjects related to readers – how to be a better book reviewer, how to be better with journaling, and much more.

Indian Book Club

Not at the peak of their popularity but they are certainly developing as one of the best book clubs in the country. Readers not only get o share their views but they also get to share their book collection, findings from special editions and sell and share books that they adored.

Book Clubs to Boost Reading List of Booklovers
Book Clubs to Boost Reading List of Booklovers

The Procrastinators Book Club

This book club is run on Goodreads – join the procrastinating pals to put an end to the novel or series you have picked.

Silent Book Club

This book club was launched in the year 2012 and presently contains over 240 chapters around the globe participating! The community is well known on Facebook – sharing views on books, opinions, and sharing stories from personal lives.

Oprah’s Book Club

The eminent Oprah Winfrey was the first celebrity to commence a book club. It has grown to be famous since she shifted online as a famous segment from her talk show. You can join the Goodreads club to add to conversations.

Book Clubs to Boost Reading List of Booklovers

Our Shared Shelf

This book club is one of the most renowned book clubs of 2020. This was created by the famous Emma Watson as a part of her project with UN Women. The objective of this was to get hold of as many books as possible based on gender equality. Presently, the team of Watson is not operating the Goodreads group anymore but the members can operate it themselves as it remains free and it is still famous because of the continued discussions on the set objective.

Poppy Loves Book Club

It is a book club but more than that – this book club focuses on empowering women by providing them a safe place to share their views and opinions about books and their private lives. An adult novel will be picked every month often from a self-published author and later Poppy will initiate a live stream along with the author for a discussion on various thoughts.

Goodreads Choice Awards Book Club

If you are searching for a book club to read a wide range of highly reviewed books with others of the community, Goodreads choice awards book club is the best book club for your taste. The club goes through Goodreads Choice Awards winners across several categories over 12 months.

Book Clubs to Boost Reading List of Booklovers
Book Clubs to Boost Reading List of Booklovers

The Catch-Up Book Club

The motive of this book club is to catch up and get hold of the popular books you have been yearning to read but did not have the right break yet. The community picks one classic each month, one current general name, and a bookshelf catch-up that certain members have already been through but others have on their to-be-read lists.

Penguin Book Club

It can be hard to carry on a discussion or conversation on the service but Penguin considers the time-shifted excitement of going through books as an amazing way to bring the community as one. The publisher will choose one book each month and suggest their followers utilize the hashtag #readpenguin to tweet their opinions about it. At the end of the month, Penguin will hold a Twitter chat along with the author of that book as a company.

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