Entrepreneurs are perhaps the busiest species of humans – they’re always multitasking. No wonder that they have no time to invest in quality reading time, no matter how much they might love reading. This is where audiobooks come to the rescue. They provide for quick, easy reads while commuting, during short breaks or otherwise. Plus, they’re super helpful in strategizing, marketing, managing finances and dealing with people. Here, we have for all budding (or expert) entrepreneurs a carefully curated list of the best audiobooks for entrepreneurs. These audiobooks pervade various fields that entrepreneurship demands expertise in. All of these are available on Audible unless specified otherwise.

The $100 Start-up by Chris Gilbeau

Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs
Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs (1)

Infused in this inspirational personal story of Gilbeau’s $100 startup based on his lifelong passion for travelling are practical, useful tips to create a multi-million dollar business with minimal investment. He also adds marketing principles that are both ethical and effective. Listening to him talk about his world tour on a bicycle gives the reader immense motivation about the realization of the perfect job, where passion meets income. Its easy to read language and engaging content definitely make it a must read.

The Outsiders by William Thorndike


This eye-opening book offers case studies of 8 super successful CEOs and an in depth analysis of what led to their success. From greed when others are fearful and data driven decisions to owner led money allocation, there are lessons to be learnt from all of these illustrious entrepreneurs. And the best part is the lessons (and the entrepreneur’s strategies) are vastly different and unique so the field of insight derived from the book is wide. The one thing that links all of these entrepreneurs is their capacity to defile norms and hot trends and be unafraid to stand out.

The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli

Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs
Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs (3)

This one is a must read for entrepreneurs and non- entrepreneurs alike – it talks about the fallacies and biases the mind is prone to. These errors in thinking and judgement make us think our decisions will lead to maximum profits when in fact that isn’t the case. The intersection of psychology and business will help you understand yourself better AND will elevate your business to the next level – plus it’s also a compelling read.

Naked Money by Charles Wheelan


This is a highly informative book about, as the title suggests, money. To be a great entrepreneur, you need to know about more than just personal finances. You need to get down to the deepest level of understanding of money- you need to know just how money functions. This is an engaging read that delves into the roots of money and explains what money exactly is, why a piece of paper no different from monopoly money is so powerful, the role of banks and just how money works in the economic system.

Purple Cow by Seth Godin

Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs
Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs (5)

With the advent of globalization and technology, consumers have been exposed to more products than they can choose from. In such a scenario, though the accessibility of a business is high, its noticeability isn’t. This book offers insight on how you can make your product remarkable so that it stands out – how to be a purple cow in a world full of black and white cows. (avaialbe on www.audiobooks.com)

Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman and others


One often overlooked aspect integral to brilliant entrepreneurship is emotional intelligence. This book dives deep into exactly that, highlighting on the role that emotional intelligence plays in leadership. Diverging from the traditional entrepreneurial qualities of vision, strategy, market knowledge and focusing on relationship management, intuitive understanding and team building.

Admen, Mad Men and the Real World of Advertising by Dave Marinaccio

Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs
Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs (7)

This book provides food for thought for a crucial aspect of any business – advertising. Your product/service may be exceptional, yet it will not fetch you money unless the world knows about it. To make it stand out from the oodles of media available, one needs to strategize and be creative. This book takes you through the world of advertising, and offers entertaining case studies of several giants in the business with clients like Pizza Hut and The Holocaust Museum.

Opposable Mind by Roger Martin


This book, as the title says, deals with integrative thinking – brainstorming a way to combine the pros and eliminate the cons of two opposing business models rather than choosing one at the expense of the other. This requires creative, out of the box thinking, which thankfully can be learned – and this book teaches exactly that. It teaches that instead of copying extraordinary businessmen, entrepreneurs should emulate their way of thinking. Moreover, it also includes ideas to draw on your conceptual and experiential knowledge to strengthen your integrative thinking. (available on www.kobo.com)

Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs
Best Audiobooks For Entrepreneurs (9)

In this book, Sinek compares businesses to the Marine Corps, and explains how both function best in an environment of support, safety and empathy. He also explains the role of leaders in upholding such an environment. Moreover, Sinek also applies evolutionary psychology and neurobiology to back up his points, making them even more valid. This is the perfect book to learn more about team dynamics, team creation and how you can uplift people you work with to push them to give their best.

Also Read: Sci-fi Novels With Powerful Female Protagonists

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