A Promised Land : By – Barack Obama

A riveting, deeply personal account of history in the making-from the president who inspired us to believe in the power of democracy
A Promised Land

By – Barack Obama

Dreams From My Father was the first book that explains how Barack Obama became who he is. It is quite a compelling story of a descendant of an immigrant parent, raised in two separate nations by a remarried mother and finally her parents, who struggled because of the way he looks. His life experiences resulted in America’s first truly global commander-in-chief.

In A Promised Land, Obama brings it all together. The glass ceiling of America’s highest position was shattered, something I never thought I would see in my lifetime. I remember feeling safe during his eight years as our dignified president, and this book explores how that all happened behind the scenes. Obama reflects on the reach and the limits of presidential power as he recalls situations inside the Oval Office and beyond. You will join him on his journey to navigate the turbulent global financial crisis and Wall Street reform, and as he battles endlessly to secure the remote passage of the Affordable Care Act in the end. Finally, you will join him as he authorise the mission leading to the death of Osama bin Laden.

It has a reflective, insightful, and proudly poised, almost like a serialized diary with an inside look at the day-to-day routine of being the President while combatting the collective Republican opponent desperately trying to teach USA that it was a terrible idea to elect someone who does not look like most of them. You will learn how strongly Michelle did not want him to run for the president, and what it was like for his family to live in the White House during the first three or so years. Obama even reveals a few personal moments of disappointment, including pointing out what he could have done better in his fateful speech back in 2004. One can sense he completely wrote it himself, eloquently, in his voice, as only this particular former president could.

Moreover, it grabs you. You will feel for him. You are in the Oval Office staring at that imposing desk, wondering what the heck he is going to say to Vladimir Putin when the call is connected to Moscow. You will wonder how he managed to keep his positive attitude and wits about him. Many others would have given up on. However, his perseverance is what made Obama such an effective leader. A Promised Land is about hope and change. Also, right now, we need a whole lot of the former. I think you enjoy these 700-some pages as much as I did.


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