7 Types of Propaganda

7 Types of Propaganda
7 Types of Propaganda

Propaganda tactics have been utilized for a very long time by politicians, influencers, and marketers. A propagandist, to put it simply, uses people’s emotions and persuasive skills to achieve their goals mostly for their personal advantage. When emotions are in control, we as humans start to lose all sense of reason. And that is precisely how propagandists take advantage of others. However, the process is more complicated than it first appears, and there are numerous varieties of propaganda. Here we have talked about 7 Types of Propaganda which are very common.

Bandwagon Propaganda

Propaganda is a tactic used in advertising to attract customers and sway their opinions about rival products. Advertisers fib and even deceive in order to divert their clients’ attention. They are less concerned with their client’s best interests. In this instance, sentiment analysis can help to improve the customer experience. We all exhibit social behaviour and as we are members of society, we are obligated to adhere to its norms regarding dress, manners, and trends. Not only is it a notion, but it also has prestige implications. If we veer off course, we risk being “missed out”. Bandwagon propaganda uses this concept to play on a specific group’s ideas and persuades them to do or follow what others are doing. If something is beneficial to one individual, it need not be beneficial to all. However, we are so sure of this that we consider even things that are not vital to be essential.

Plain Folks Propaganda - 7 Types of Propaganda
Plain Folks Propaganda – 7 Types of Propaganda

Plain Folks Propaganda

Ordinary folks are used in the Plain Folks Propaganda to advertise the product. The objective is to demonstrate the product’s value to all consumers. Even while we are all aware that these celebs must be ignorant of the products used in their homes, Jared Fogle is used by Subway to tell customers that they can lose weight by eating at Subway. It is true that Jared Fogle, a former ambassador for America, has lost a lot of weight by only eating at Subway. Real-world examples help customers relate, and Plain Folks Propaganda frequently uses them.

Testimonial Propaganda

Testimonial propaganda is a tactic used to sway people’s ideas without allowing them to properly consider the evidence when a celebrity backs a certain ideology or product. It is a sophisticated form of promotion that businesses employ to increase demand for their goods. Here is a posted of Taylor Swift endorsing Diet Coke. Although Taylor Swift is a well-known singer (as you are all aware), there is actually no connection between her singing ability and Diet Coke. But in this advertisement, you can see how cleverly marketers highlighted Diet Coke.

Customers believe that a product will be good if celebrities and experts endorse it. Whatever the product’s value and cost is, the appeal of the celebrities determines how well it sells. In certain commercials, professionals such as physicians prescribe specific medications, while engineers tout cement and other building supplies. All of these are techniques to sway the judgment of the intended audience. We assume that professionals know more about these products than we do. They can push anything with complete blindness, so we blindly believe them and take their advice.

Testimonial Propaganda - 7 Types of Propaganda
Testimonial Propaganda – 7 Types of Propaganda

Card Stacking Propaganda

To stack cards, the most common advertising strategy is card stacking propaganda. Utilizing a deceptive advertising strategy, the advertiser highlights the positive aspects of their product while concealing any potential drawbacks. This is accomplished by unfairly emphasizing the salient and favourable aspects of the product. Only information that supports and promotes the product is used by advertisers. Card stacking is the practice of using false and implausible statistics to promote a product. The image of commercial (given below) is an excellent illustration of Card-Stacking propaganda. The highlighted facts and data make the commercial look attractive. Even the delectable, crispy fries in the advertisement make viewers want to consume the fries right away. Only the good aspects of the product are bolded in this commercial, but the actual details about the fries that are listed at the top are difficult to understand.

Card-Stacking propaganda - 7 Types of Propaganda
Card-Stacking propaganda – 7 Types of Propaganda

Transfer Propaganda

Advertisers employ symbols or objects that are closely associated with our strong beliefs, such as the national flag, our religion, and well-known people, to persuade us to accept their message. For instance, we have respect for and strong emotional ties to our nation and religion. An advertisement will be able to emotionally charge you and persuade you to adopt his views if he is able to connect his notion with our deeply held values. As a well-known representative of American culture, Uncle Sam often inspires fervent patriotism across the country.

That is the reason, a travel advertiser will use Uncle Sam to influence the masses without judging the fact that most people agree with him because of deeply ingrained emotion and belief in Uncle Sam (whether he is trying to convince them that “X” destination is best for their vacation or try to create a negative image of “Y” destination). This is a famous instance of transfer propaganda being utilized against the American people to boost cigarette sales. The idea behind this tactic was to link an illogical belief with their intended objective, which was to get women to use cigarettes.

Transfer Propaganda - 7 Types of Propaganda
Transfer Propaganda – 7 Types of Propaganda

Name-Calling Propaganda

The product is heavily competitive with other products, thus the advertisers employ name-calling propaganda to market the product. Two products that are of equal quality, appeal, and market demand must draw customers from the opposite direction. The name-calling tactic associates a person or thing with a negative symbol. Common phrases include “radical”, “cowardly”, “environmentalist”, and “special interest group”. By employing this strategy, advertisers hope that consumers would disregard the facts in favour of the negative symbol attached to the person, thing, or idea. Propagandists employ this tactic in the hopes that a person or thing will be rejected because of a negative emblem, despite having favourable aspects.

Glittering Generalities Propaganda

Glittering generality is a propaganda tactic that combines words that don’t signify anything but sound good to the reader or listener, much to Name-Calling propaganda used to depict a good concept as a bad one. Advertisers employ powerful and alluring terms like transformation, cheap, hope, and healthy to elicit a favourable response from consumers. Propaganda tactics used in advertising have a lot of detrimental consequences on our society. For instance, watching advertisements that falsely promise weight loss in a matter of weeks will cause an overweight person to have unrealistic expectations, which will result in frustration and unhappiness.

Advertising companies are in the business of promoting products and drawing in more and more customers in order to maximize profits. The solution to this problem is to educate yourself so that you are not dependent on the media to tell you what is best for you. And if you have access to the internet in this day and age, I believe you can quickly determine what is best for you. We get to make the final call. We are responsible for selecting the appropriate and high-quality items for our demands and budget.

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