5 Books by Boss Women

5 books by boss women
5 books by boss women

Women continue to grow and inspire every day. Several books will help you gain different perspectives on women and from the eyes of women. They will help you to be stable in your chosen path or career, new business, going through freelancing gigs, and more. Let’s read about 5 books by boss women who manage to become the girl bosses with their intellect and experience.

New Startup Mindset – Sandra Shpilberg

5 Books by Boss Women - New Startup Mindset – Sandra Shpilberg
5 Books by Boss Women – New Startup Mindset – Sandra Shpilberg

In this book, the CEO and founder of Seeker Health introduce a new perspective and ‘mindset’ for forming and starting a successful company. In this book Shpilberg shares her story of success, developing, and exiting her startup. This book at the same time can be very beneficial as it works as a dose of the reality of Silicon Valley. It is a must read for startup companies and current entrepreneurs.

The Full Spirit Workout – Kate Eckman

The Full Spirit Workout – Kate Eckman
5 Books by Boss Women – The Full Spirit Workout – Kate Eckman

Most of us know how to stay physically fit, the right food and the exercises. We know that we should not smoke, or drink alcohol. There are also a lot of books that will teach you how to develop business skills and commercial chutzpah. As a successful and popular college athlete, Kae Eckman knows what is physically fit and what is harmful. This book is a result of her training as an athlete, positive psychology and neuroscience informed leadership coach and a meditation teacher, and also her experience with countless clients.

How to Not Die Alone – Logan Ury

5 Books by Boss Women - How to Not Die Alone – Logan Ury
5 Books by Boss Women – How to Not Die Alone – Logan Ury

We all have wondered once in our life “why has everyone found their right person except me?” Well, you know it’s not just you. The relationship is not an easy thing. How to know if this is the right person? When is the right time to commit? How to end it on a good note and more? Drawing from several years of research and experience as a behavioural scientist turned date coach Logan Ury discloses the concealed forces that cause the mistakes in dating. Sometimes you need to change your behaviour. You will learn about several aspects of getting into a relationship.

Winging It – Emma Isaacs

Winging It – Emma Isaacs
5 Books by Boss Women – Winging It – Emma Isaacs

Emma Isaacs is the CEO and entrepreneur of Australia’s largest community for women. She doesn’t chalk out her life beforehand. She does not have a set of goals for five years. As a mother of five children, it is not easy for her to handle a routine. Emma wants to let us know that you cannot plan every detail of your life. You cannot wait for the wave of confidence and productivity to kick in for you to start moving. You have to do it right now. Dow what you want to do right now and you can keep figuring it out as you go along. Drawing from her experience of interviewing popular men and women such as Bill Gates and Sophia Amoruso, Emma elucidates how you can turn your dream into a job, how to save time for things that matters, how to build a network and more.

It’s About Damn Time – Arlan Hamilton

5 Books by Boss Women - It’s About Damn Time – Arlan Hamilton
5 Books by Boss Women – It’s About Damn Time – Arlan Hamilton

In 2015, Arlan Hamilton was sleeping on the floor of the San Francisco Airport, with just a laptop and a desire in their heart to break into the capital business. She could not comprehend why all the business founders look alike (by alike she meant white and male). She had no connection in Silicon Valley – no background study, degree, or work in finance. All she had was the determination, faith, and the will to be successful. She is not only a female; she is also a person of colour and a part of the LGBTQ community. Despite what society believes, Arlan argues that an influential network, privileged life, and a college degree from a known university are not prerequisites for success.

Also Read: How to Stop Negative Thoughts Using 5 Simple Steps

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