Worst Animated Movie made by Marvel: Marvel is known for its big budget successful ventures. The franchise has created some iconic animation series over the years. However, the Comics giant has had their fair share of embarrassments too. Today we’ll be discussing about few such movies that the Marvel Universe will wish to forget and erase from their memory. So, here is a list of animated films you should avoid.
The first in our list of worst animated movies by Marvel is the 2013 action adventure marvel animated movie ‘Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United’. This film was made under ‘Heroes United’ (a new line of movies introduced by Marvel). Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United is one of the worst rated Marvel movies on IMDb. The movie has only 4.6 ratings on the movie review & analysis platform (IMDb). The animated film is directed by Eric Radomski and Leo Riley.
‘Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Frost Fight!’ is a 2015 animation movie directed by the duo of Eric Radomski and Mitch Schauer. In this animated movie Marvel superheroes unite and try to stop Loki and Ymir (a frost giant) from stealing Santa’s powers. While the duo of Loki and Ymir strive to conquer the world by stealing the powers of Santa. In this movie Mick Wingert had given voice for Iron Man’s character, Matthew Mercer for Captain America, Travis Willingham for Thor, Fred Tatasciore for Hulk and Troy Baker for Loki’s character.
‘Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell’ is a movie that revolves around the green monster ‘Hulk’. Where Doctor Strange and a group of monsters help Hulk overcome his dream perception so that he can defeat Nightmare on Halloween night. This animated movie is also directed by the duo of Eric Radomski and Mitch Schauer. In the animated superhero film, Fred Tatasciore has given his voice for Hulk’s character and Jesse Burch has given his voice for Hulk’s alter ego Bruce Banner. And actor Liam O’Brien has given his voice for Doctor Strange’s character.
The ‘Ken’ichi Shimizu’ directed Marvel movie ‘Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher’ was released in 2014. The animated movie depicts a storyline where the Punisher is taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. officials and Black Widow for interfering & involving in a classified secret mission. However, post Nick Fury’s orders a team of the Punisher and Black Widow is formed. The duo is sent for a mission to save humanity against a terror group who’s planning to sell S.H.I.E.L.D.’s high profile weapons & technology.
Another Iron Man movie in the list. ‘Iron Man: Rise of Technovore’ is a 2013 animated movie which was directed by Hiroshi Hamasaki. The movie is about a young tech genius Ezekiel Stane who has developed an armor. The armor even overpowers and overshadows Iron Man’s armor. Stane Ezekiel plans & unleashes a terrorist attack during a launch of a new satellite. However, Iron Man gets blamed and framed for the terror attack. With all these going Iron Man has to save everyone and also clear his name out of the controversy he’s landed into.
The last name on the elite list of worst movies is Iron Man and Captain America: Heroes United. This unwatchable action adventure animation film was released in 2014. The film had two of the most iconic characters of Marvel; Iron Man and Captain America. Yet the movie couldn’t be saved, even the iconic duo were unable to save the disaster. This movie was made under the banner of ‘Heroes United’. Iron Man and Captain America: Heroes United was directed by Eric Radomski and Leo Riley, the directors of ‘Iron Man and Hulk: Heroes United’. It is upon you to decide which is the worst of the lot or which is the best movie out of these.
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