Why You Need to Choose Your Books Carefully?

why you need to choose your books carefully
why you need to choose your books carefully

Can you guarantee me that if you have read 100 books in the last 3 years, you love all 100 of them? No, right! Sometimes we choose to read a book based on reviews, sometimes due to recommendations, sometimes out of habit, and sometimes we just have to read it. There were several occasions when I just felt that I have to read a self-help book to feel positive about life or a motivational book to stay productive every day after waking up. In this article, we are going to read about why you need to choose your books carefully? – It is very essential for any individual especially kids to read and choose their books carefully. A kids’ mind is easy to mold, if a kid is raised with a book that provides a positive message, he will grow up and try to focus on good things in life and the opposite of it can negatively affect their mind.

Why You Need to Choose Your Books Carefully?
Why You Need to Choose Your Books Carefully?

There are several kinds of readers – some read whatever they have and get, some read the best sellers, some read very less, some read-only tragedy, some read-only poems, and there are readers who just love to buy books for the covers, and so on. Some readers become so invested and interested in a book that it takes a lot of time for them to start reading a different book and move on from that story. While some readers are so swift that they can read a book within two days and pick a new one the next day. Some readers read two to three books simultaneously.

It is specifically tough for people who get easily affected by a story or novel to choose their book carefully. They can get affected by the pessimistic point of view that most writers offer who focused on coming-of-age, romantic tragedy, biographical, and psychological genres. An example would be The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, I cannot say it is a pessimistic book as it is based on a subject that is not whimsical in any way. But that book can have a huge impact on the reader. Moreover, each book takes a lot of your time so it is really important to choose the book of your preference, and one of the best ways is to read reviews regarding that book before starting it.

Why You Need to Choose Your Books Carefully?
Why You Need to Choose Your Books Carefully?

If we talk about motivational, inspirational, or self-help books, there are abundant books just in this genre. But, the reader needs to understand precisely what kind of motivation, inspiration, or help they are seeking from the book. Are you looking for daily motivation, study motivation, positivity about life, business, having a positive attitude, emotional strength, avoiding negative influence, and more?

Since books take a lot of time to read and we tend to dwell on a good read it is very important to choose them wisely and carefully, especially when it is fiction. Fictional books do not provide a lot of inspiration or motivation, it presents to you a world with fictional characters and we dwell on it. The reason we are so in love with fiction or fictional characters is that we do not have that world, nature, environment, or more. I mean, there is scarcely anyone who watched the Pride and Prejudice movie and did not want to live there, at least for one day.

So after considering all the points we have mentioned above, I believe you will get a clear picture of why you need to choose your books carefully?

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