What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite

What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
What is Superman's Weakness Besides Kryptonite

What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite: Almost every Superman or let’s say superhero fan knows that Superman’s biggest weakness is Kryptonite. Some even believe that the invincible godly powered superhero has no other weakness other than the green matter. However, this isn’t true. The Man of Steel has numerous weaknesses which can be used to stop the unstoppable force. Today we will explore 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite and examine how they have been portrayed in various comics, movies, and TV shows.

What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite


7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

Despite his extraordinary abilities and defenses, Superman is just as susceptible to magic as any other non-mystical character. In the DC universe, there are several powerful magic users who can pose a formidable challenge to the Man of Steel. Characters such as Zatanna possess the capability to outsmart Superman, taking him down if they can evade his potent attacks. One notable instance of magic’s impact on Superman is seen in his frequent confrontations with magic-powered characters like Shazam and Black Adam. Shazam, for instance, was one of the only heroes who could effectively neutralize Superman when he was possessed by Eclipso. Black Adam, on the other hand, has repeatedly demonstrated his ability to defeat Superman in battle, thanks to his magically-enhanced strength.

Red Solar Radiation

What is Superman's Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

Superman’s abilities stem from the radiation of Earth’s yellow sun. This radiation is absorbed by his cells, granting him superhuman strength, speed, and density that surpasses any other being on Earth. However, when exposed to radiation from a red sun, Superman’s powers can be completely nullified. On his home planet Krypton, which orbited a red sun, Kryptonians did not possess any inherent powers. While Superman can temporarily retain some of his abilities under a red sun, he will eventually lose them. Villains like Lex Luthor have been known to replicate red solar radiation and use it as a weapon against Superman, giving them an advantage in battles.


7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

One of Superman’s most well-known weaknesses is his inability to see through lead. Lead obstructs Superman’s x-ray vision, allowing his enemies to hide themselves or dangerous weapons from him. Though lead is not fatal to Kryptonians like it is to Daxamites, it can also block his powerful heat vision. Lead is a powerful weapon in the hands of his enemies and could easily give an upper hand to any of Superman’s most iconic villains in a fight.

Emotional Vulnerability

What is Superman's Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

Superman has several natural weaknesses that stem from his Kryptonian heritage or his limited resistance to certain types of attacks. However, there is one weakness that consistently endangers him: his love for the people in his life. His wife Lois Lane, has often been targeted as a means of attacking Superman. The situation becomes even more dire when they have their son Jon, who thankfully has his own powerful abilities to protect himself. Even his closest friends at the Daily Planet and teammates in the League have been used as leverage against Superman, or as a means of manipulating him over the years.

Solar Exhaustion

7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

The sun plays an essential role in the lives of all living beings on Earth, but it holds a special significance for Superman. The sun’s yellow rays are the source of Superman’s powers, and without them, he gradually loses his abilities and becomes vulnerable in combat. In other words, the sun is a vital aspect to the Man of Steel’s powers and without it, he becomes weaker.

Certain Viruses

What is Superman's Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
What is Superman’s Weakness Besides Kryptonite | 7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

Superman, as a biological being, is vulnerable to sickness and disease just like any other living organism. A potent virus at the right time could make the Man of Steel fall ill, much like a human during flu season. The Doomsday Virus is one example of Superman being infected in a severe manner. After defeating Doomsday, a disease present in his rival’s virulent corpse infected Superman, causing him to transform into one of the strongest, albeit monstrous versions of himself. Thankfully, his allies were able to find a cure before it was too late.

Psionic & Drug Attacks

7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite
7 Weaknesses of Superman Besides Kryptonite

Despite his incredible physical strength, Superman’s mind is susceptible to manipulation. Several villains have taken advantage of this weakness by brainwashing him into committing evil acts. He is vulnerable to psychic and telekinetic attacks, and it’s the reason why Batman always carries precautions to stop him. Although he has trained his mind to resist psychic attacks, Superman remains defenseless against telekinetic attacks that can harm him at a molecular level. A prime example of this can be found in the Injustice: Gods Among Us series, which expands on the story of the similarly named video game. Before the events of the game, The Joker used a modified version of Scarecrow’s fear gas to incite Superman to violence, resulting in him mistakenly killing his pregnant wife Lois Lane, leading to a nuclear explosion in Metropolis. In retaliation, Superman kills Joker and creates a fascist dictatorship to prevent any future evil.

Also Read: 7 Strongest Versions of Superman in DC Comics

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