Ways to Stay Motivated – 5 Study Focus Tips

ways to stay motivated – 5 study focus tips
ways to stay motivated - 5 study focus tips

The most important aspect of going on with your daily life is staying motivated. We all have our ups and downs. There are some days when we feel like we have got it all together, everything is sorted, and life is productive. And, on some days we question the purpose of life and suffer from an existential crisis. Both happen to all of us, however, the latter makes us feel miserable and it is a reminder of a wasted day. In this article, we are going to read about study focus tips – 5 ways to stay motivated.

Define Your Goal

First and foremost thing before doing any job or task, you need to be clear about your goal. What exactly you are expecting from it? If you are planning to quit social for two weeks, you need to be clear in your head, why? Why are you planning to quit it? To study, okay? The study, what? Is it for a semester, a test? What percentage are you expecting? How many books and chapters are you going to cover? Above all, make sure you are studying the right things and check if you have all the essential study materials you require or not.

Ways to Stay Motivated - 5 Study Focus Tips
Ways to Stay Motivated – 5 Study Focus Tips

Produce A Plan

Here comes the next way in the list and that is “producing a plan”. If you are willing to do it, you can just take a day off and create a plan for the next two weeks. Take a few pieces of paper. On one paper, create boxes of books, chapters, or topics you are going to read. Use the next piece of paper to make a timetable from day to night. On the last piece of paper, just write the dates and leave spaces so that you can write down the things you have managed to read.

Tip – Don’t think you can complete everything within a span of say two weeks. Leave the weekends blank, so that you can cover the topics you have missed.

Understand Your Why

If you are having your bad days, just remind yourself why you started it. Watch other study channels on YouTube, and read a storybook that is not a part of your syllabus. The key to motivation is to remind yourself every day about your goal. For now, your goal is not the exam. If you are going to think long-term you will feel stressed and you will sit and overthink. You need to do the task that you have decided for yourself that is the goal.

Ways to Stay Motivated - 5 Study Focus Tips
Ways to Stay Motivated – 5 Study Focus Tips

Break Your Tasks

It is very important to break the tasks. Even if you wish to study for 8-10 hours, make sure you add other things to your routine. Things such as house chores, making snacks, taking your pet out for a walk, and listening to music – all these things will help you keep yourself stress-free, feel active, and increase creativity. You must break your tasks into small durations and take breaks to not feel exhausted and stay productive for a long-time.

Keep it Fun

You can keep everything fun, even studying. Studying while listening to music, role-playing as a teacher while reading a book, writing journals during the break, or studying in different places – all these things would make you feel good about studying. It is important to enjoy studying rather than consider it a compulsion. In addition to that decide a reward for yourself such as going out with friends, going out to book stores, new cafés, or watching movies. These things are perfect to make you feel fun and keep you on track.

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