Training Dog: 7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog

Training Dog: 7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog
7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog

There are very few amounts of the population who has issues with pets – it can be a phobia or some incident for which they prefer to stay away from pets. But, the rest of the population find them adoring and the first expression that comes out of their mouth is ‘aww’. In this article we are going to read about the 7 best dog training books for every kind of dog, which is not only going to help you train your dog but train yourself as well; because not only do you need to change your pet’s behaviour, as their keeper you need to change our attitude around them.

Don’t Shoot the Dog! – Karen Pryor

7 best dog training books for every kind of dog - Don’t Shoot the Dog! – Karen Pryor
7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog – Don’t Shoot the Dog! – Karen Pryor

Karen Pryor is a leading spokesperson and teacher for force-free and effective training. Her work with the dolphins revolutionized animal training by promoting force-free training. She has worked with several trainers, teachers, scientists and changed the lives of many animals and caretakers of households, and caretakers. In Don’t Shoot the Dog Karen Pryor talks about how to improve yourself and others with the help of behavioural training.

The Other End of the Leash – Patricia B. McConnell

The Other End of the Leash – Patricia B. McConnell
Training Dog – The Other End of the Leash – Patricia B. McConnell

This book demonstrates how even the smallest amount of change in your movement or tone can help your dog comprehend what you want. Once you get what your dog understands about your behaviour you will realize what you consider as disobedience is a matter of miscommunication. This book will help you learn the tone that your dog is more likely to obey, why dominance is a bad idea, how dogs want to be with benevolent leaders and not the alpha dominant ones.

The Power of Positive Dog Training – Pat Miller

The Power of Positive Dog Training – Pat Miller
7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog – The Power of Positive Dog Training – Pat Miller

In this book by Miller, you will get to read the discussion on the philosophy of force-free positive training along with exercises and training tips. This is targeted at the readers who want to create a relationship with their dog based on positive reinforcement and friendship. There are 30 chapters with illustrations and easy to follow steps and basic training tips.

How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves – Sophia Yin

How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves – Sophia Yin
Training Dog – How to Behave So Your Dog Behaves – Sophia Yin

This book concentrates on the scientific and practical approach to training theory and dog behaviour, and it also shows you how to go ahead with these concepts and apply them to train your dog to be well-behaved. It does not only provide texts, it also offers colour instructional drawings for a better understanding.

The Art of Raising a Puppy – The Monks of New Skete

The Art of Raising a Puppy – The Monks of New Skete
7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog – The Art of Raising a Puppy – The Monks of New Skete

The Art of Raising a Puppy will help you know everything that you need to know about the first months of a puppy’s life. It will provide you with the entire guide – choosing the right breed, arrangement of home, caring, practicing a basic level of obedience exercises, and more. The Monks, who have been raising and training dogs for over twenty years can raise dogs of any breed with the help of understanding the canine behaviour and enhancing the connection between the owner and the dog. The core thing is respect and affection during puppyhood.

Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution – Zak George

Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution – Zak George
Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution – Zak George

Zak will help you with his guidance on choosing the right pup, basic training and house training, barking, aggression, leash pulling, jumping up, chewing, and other behaviours, health care necessities, right food choice, travel tips, tricks, activities to involve in with your dog, and more. It will guide you to build and develop a strong bond with your dog which will make the training of the dog easier.

Canine Body Language – Brenda Aloff

7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog - Canine Body Language – Brenda Aloff
7 Best Dog Training Books for every Kind of Dog – Canine Body Language – Brenda Aloff

With the help of this book by Aloff, you would be able to talk to your dogs. It provides detailed explanations, is well-organized, and is loaded with pictures for a better understanding of the dog’s emotions and thoughts for you to understand.

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