As a writer, it can be tough to be persistent with random creative thought, creative and writer’s block, and more. If you want to be a writer, it is essential to write every day and stay in touch with your creative self. Here is a list of the top 10 objectives for writers. These points will help you to stay positive about your writing project and stick to your goals.
Top 10 Objectives for Writers
Start Slow as a Writer
A writing goal is something you set for each day. You have to fix a realistic time that you can manage to fit into your schedule. Then, you have to figure out what you are willing to achieve in that time frame. Your goals can be writing a particular number of words, finishing a chapter or you might want to spend an hour brainstorming and formulating your story.
Know that Goals Vary
When you set a writing goal the goals you want to achieve are unique and personal. If you have to achieve a certain goal after a few months, then you have to set your daily goal accordingly. Make sure that your goals are realistic. Your quality and creativity both will suffer if you rush your goals and you will start to detest your project. You need to be comfortable and enjoy the accomplishment of your goals, so make sure you do your work at your pace.

Break Up Your Goals
The thing that you want to achieve after two months is your huge goal. This goal is large and impossible to accomplish too easily. However, if you divide it into small goals, it won’t seem unachievable. Begin with brainstorming your idea then develop an outline. You must focus on individual sections or chapters. After that, set a time for revising and editing. By breaking the big goal into small tasks you will both enjoy your project and complete it by the given time.
Put Your Goals on Paper
When you are setting your daily goals, make sure that you have them on paper. Set aside a time when you are doing nothing and then decide on how much you will write for that day. Some set their daily task before going to bed and some after waking up. Use a daily planner or a journal and tick them off as you complete them. Since you are writing every day, make time on your schedule just to review your progress. It doesn’t necessarily have to be every day, set a particular day in a week for the review.
Don’t Be Hard on Yourself
Self-review does not mean that you start feeling low or beat yourself up for not meeting your expectation. Instead, it is the time to reflect on what you have achieved. You will realize what you are doing right and wrong. Thus, you will not repeat it and that is progress. If you think your set amount of daily words is not working well for you, increase them. Self-review is for you to do better each week till you meet your higher goal.

Have Faith in Your Intuition
Every day when you sit to write, make sure you don’t try to fix your mind to a particular topic. Your mind is aware of the story you are trying to develop. But, when you are starting it, just write what you want to write. Don’t think about the format, grammar, vocabulary, and more. You must not restrain your stream of consciousness. As a writer, you have to re-read your work several times, so you will have the required time to make the necessary changes.
Remove Distraction
When you sit down with priority, you should not have any kind of distraction. This is the right time to shut down your devices and stay away from anything and place that can be distracting for you. Creativity thrives in solitude and not around distractions. Make sure to develop this as a part of your daily routine.
Psych Yourself Up
When you are physically tired, your mind instantly runs towards sleeping on the couch, taking a nap, or just skipping doing anything that will require a lot of focus. However, you also know that you will feel guilty for skipping something so significant. So, whenever you feel like giving up for the time being start thinking more about it. How badly do you want to complete this book? Think about the feeling of achieving something you have been working on for a long time. Also, include the down points as well, if you skip writing today, you would delay to achieve your goal. The sense of disappointment will help you to get up and start working.

Fill Your Life with Writing
We never fail to take time out for our priorities. If writing is your priority, then you have to infuse it into your daily life. Read books that will increase your urge to write, provide you with a better sense of narrative, help you with your plot setting, and more. Start following writers, bloggers, and YouTubers who are doing what you want to do. You can learn a lot and take bits of advice for their learning as well.
Enjoy Your Victory
As soon as you complete a writing goal, don’t shift to the next task instantly. By doing this you will get overwhelmed and fail to form a habit out of discomfort. Instead, take a little bit of time and reward yourself. Make a dish. Or, make a mug of coffee and watch a K-pop MV or Ted Talk. This way you won’t feel pressured to do this again tomorrow and eventually will form a habit.
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