The superhero action/adventures and sci-fi storytelling of DC comics are better known, but there is also a lot of romantic drama mixed in. Although the drama in Batman and Superman’s personal lives frequently gets lost in the shadow of their professional exploits, every comic book fan is aware that their private lives are just as dramatic. One of the most overused plot devices is the love triangle, but when done right, it can make for a gripping story. Due to the individuals involved and the drama they added to the plot, these comic book triangles became famous and were as important to the heroes’ lives as their heroic exploits. Here are top 10 love triangles in DC comics.
Top 10 Love Triangles In DC Comics
Aquaman, Mera, Dolphin

In the Aquaman comics, Mera and Arthur’s marriage at one point broke down. Mera divorced Arthur and used an Atlantean law to dissolve their marriage when she blamed him for the murder of their son. Mera ultimately changed her mind and chose to reconcile with her ex-husband. She didn’t quite like what she discovered when she got back. It turned out that Aquaman had made the decision to stop dating Mera. When Mera went back and entered his bedroom, she discovered Arthur talking to Dolphin, another Atlantean. The two women instantly got into a heated argument because they were so unhappy. Arthur made the decision to reconcile with his ex-wife when the dust had settled.
Black Canary, Batman, Green Arrow

Though they have remained one of the most recognizable superhero couples of all time, Green Arrow and Black Canary weren’t always together. They’ve each experienced their fair share of hardships. There was a time when the Black Canary and Green Arrow’s relationship was becoming tense. At that point, Black Canary was dispatched to replace Batman in his position in cooperation with the Justice League. Instead, she urged Batman to remain when he arrived, and the two then shared a lengthy, passionate kiss. Even though nothing came of it, it was still a significant occasion.
Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, Superman

Steve Trevor has remained Wonder Woman’s only true love interest since very early in her history. However, Trevor has faced some opposition recently in the form of Superman, a founding member of the Justice League alongside Wonder Woman. While Superman did put in a good performance as Wonder Woman’s lover for a while, their union was never intended to endure. Her true love will always be Steve Trevor.
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Jade, Wonder Girl

Kyle Rayner, one of the less well-known Green Lanterns, has a very convoluted love life. Jade and Wonder Girl have competed for his attention on an equal footing. Rayner frequently made advances toward Wonder Girl while he was a member of the Teen Titans. Jade was his love interest during his escapades with the Lanterns. When everything was said and done, Rayner opted for Jade over his Titans friend.
Batman, Talia Al Ghul, Catwoman

Batman, by far the most troubling superhero ever, believes that he has no time for love or romance in his life. In actuality, he’s had two important relationships that have had a lasting impact on his life. In addition to adding complication to his already complicated existence, Bruce’s relationships with Catwoman and Talia al Ghul have both shown they are compatible partners for the Caped Crusader. Both Talia and Catwoman are considered anti-heroes, while Talia is more cutthroat and occasionally downright vicious in her ambitions. Batman already struggles to accept happiness in his life, so it makes logical that his most significant relationships are with women who are so hazardous.
Big Barda, Mister Miracle, Superman

Mister Miracle and Big Barda weren’t meant to be together. To be together, they overcame all obstacles and the wishes of their captors on Apokolips. But in the comics, Mister Miracle came dangerously close to losing his longtime love. Superman, the most powerful superhero on Earth, was the other man who came close to stealing her. Big Barda and Superman were going to be compelled to create a pornographic movie together because they were both under Darkseid’s control. Fortunately for all of us, Mister Miracle was able to avert this.
Nightwing, Batgirl, Starfire

The friendship between team captain Nightwing and Starfire, an extra-terrestrial from another planet, is the most well-known in Teen Titans legend. Even though their love has been ardent and passionate, Nightwing still faces some rivals. His old flame, fellow Bat-Family team member Batgirl, represents that competitiveness. Nightwing was madly in love with Batgirl long before he ever met Starfire. If not for mitigating circumstances that forced them apart, the two would have wed eventually. Batgirl remained attracted to Nightwing during his relationship with Starfire, and she frequently went to see him in the hopes of rekindling their romance. In truth, Batgirl and Nightwing reconciled after the Teen Titans duo split up.
Harley Quinn, Joker, Poison Ivy

There is no more recognizable romantic pairing among supervillains than that of the homicidal couple, Joker and Harley Quinn. After the two eventually split, Harley fell in love with Poison Ivy, a well-known Batman foe. Our love triangle is without a doubt the most original of those on this list. Harley started to understand that Joker had mistreated her and that she had feelings for Poison Ivy, another female villain. Their brief relationship was quite unexpected and intriguing, even though it didn’t last.
Superman, Lois Lane, Lana Lang

Perhaps the most well-known relationship in comic books is Superman and Lois Lane. Lois plays such a crucial role in Superman’s narrative that the two have come to rely on one another in several ways. Since he would do anything for her, it makes sense that the majority of Superman’s villain stories start with Lois dying. But there was once a rival for the Man of Steel’s affections, especially during the Silver Age. Clark Kent’s teenage sweetheart, Lana Lang, later grew to be his friend. However, there were still traces of their previous romance, and some authors took pleasure in examining the by having tension between Clark and Lois. Even though it still falls short of Clark and Lois in popularity, the hit television series Smallville gave the Clark/Lana relationship a much-needed boost.
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Arisia, Star Sapphire

Contrary to popular belief, Hal Jordan’s major love interests in the comics weren’t limited to Carol Ferris. Another character named Arisia also captured the heart of this iconic Green Lantern. Hal gave up on trying to turn Star Sapphire around from her evil ways after numerous failed attempts. Arisia, a fellow Lantern, has a long-standing crush on Hal. Eventually, he started to show them some love in return, and they started dating.
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