Anti-Heroes are always fascinating. Their unpredictable character & storyline is something that excites fans. An anti-hero has little to no obligation to follow a certain path. They move in the grey portion and can switch sides when needed or when they feel like. An anti-hero also gives liberty and freedom to a creator in developing storylines. The liberty and freedom can be used to explore different shades of the character. A character with different shades and layers is always a treat for the audiences. So, today let’s discuss about the top 10 anti-heroes in the DC Universe.
Top 10 Anti-Heroes in the DC Universe
Black Adam

The first anti-hero in our list is ‘Black Adam’. Black Adam is one of the strongest characters in the DC Universe. The 2022 movie release has created more buzz and hype around the character. It seems that Adam is the biggest hope of DCU on the big screen. Black Adam’s unpredictable mood shifts and brutality makes him one of the most exciting characters in the comics world. Adam has had several rivalries but DC’s Shazam remains to be the arch rival of Adam. However, the clash of Superman and Black Adam is the talk of the town and fans wish to see the two powerhouses facing each other on the Big Screen.

Catwoman is an interesting character, but she was initially introduced in the Batman comics line as an out & out villain. But with time things have changed and so has Catwoman’s character portrayal. Catwoman has transformed into an anti-hero. It’s not that she has turned into a true vigilante like Batman. She’s still a thief and burglar who roams around in Gotham. Catwoman does help people in need, she has a soft corner for ordinary innocent people. But her self designed moral values makes it difficult to consider her a full time superhero.

Like most anti-heroes, ‘Deadshot’ too stated his journey as a villain in the DC Comics. Deadshot is considered to be one of the best shooters (sharpshooter) in the world. He worked as a mercenary and performed seemingly impossible tasks & missions. The DC character does have a complicated past. However with inclusion into the Suicide Squad, he has gained the reputation and status of an anti-hero. Even after being in the grey zone and walking on line in the middle of good & bad, Deadshot always prioritizes others over himself.
Red Hood

Jason Todd has to be one of the most unfortunate characters in the DC Universe. Todd acted as Robin and had a clash with DC’s most iconic villain Joker. Where he was killed in the clash by Joker. However, after years he returned back but this time in the form of a villain ‘Red Hood’ who has several clashes with the Batman (who was once his mentor). However, Red Hood is also a vigilante like his old mentor but his methods are a bit different.
The Comedian

Edward Morgan Blake aka the Comedian is an anti-hero who made his first appearance in ‘Watchmen’, it is a limited edition Graphic Novel series which was published by DC Comics. The Comedian’s character was created by the duo of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The character is somewhat a mix of Peacemaker and elements of Captain America & Nick Fury. The Comedian helps America to win wars which establishes him as a superhero. However, his acts of killing civilians in Vietnam and attacks protestors, question his credibility as a hero.
John Constantine

Constantine is a magical being and is often regarded as one of the most powerful magic possessed characters in the DC Universe. John Constantine is an occult detective from Liverpool. He isn’t a villain but his anti-social and violent nature takes him far away from being a traditional hero. The anti-hero is known to do anything, literally anything to accomplish his goals or mission. John Constantine mostly seeks to help people who have no hopes, but his help needs big sacrifices.

The next anti-hero ‘Lobo’ is a bounty hunter in deep space and harbors. The anti-hero has little to no moral values & code of conduct. But one thing that makes Lobo unique in nature is his trait of Keeping his words. He is a man of his words. Lobo can go to any extremes to fulfill his promise. But the problem with him is that he isn’t reliable and believes in no ethics and moralities.
Amanda Waller

Amanda Waller is somewhat the Nick Fury of DC but a more bossy & furious version of Fury. She works for the US forces and heads the elite teams of the Suicide Squad and Task Force X. The thing that makes Waller an anti-hero is her approach and attitude. She just believes in the motto of getting a job done at any cost and barely cares about things like collateral damage.
Wild Dog

The Wild Dog can be referred to as the Punisher in hockey clothes. Wild Dog is the alter ego of Jack Wheeler. The character made his debut in 1987 in the first issue of the comic book series ‘Wild Dog’. However, the old character of Jack Wheeler was replaced by a new version named Rene Ramirez. Rene Ramirez’s character appeared in the Arrow Tv Series (season 5), where Rene’s character was played by actor Rick Gonzalez.
Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn is one of the most popular female characters in recent times. Harley can also be termed as one of the most versatile comics characters of all time. Quinn started her journey as a villain and featured as Joker’s sidekick. But with time she climbed the ladders of popularity and success. Later Harley transformed into a super-villain and eventually was turned into an anti-hero. Harley Quinn’s character journey from being just a random character to becoming a brand is unbelievable. The biggest boon that helped Quinn climb the ladders is her storyline’s unpredictability. Harley’s layered character has always something unique and exciting for the audiences. Her layered character and unpredictable storyline has always been the biggest draw which hooks the audiences towards her character.
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