Thunder Gods from different Mythology similar to Thor from Norse Mythology

Thunder Gods from different Mythology
Thunder Gods from different Mythology similar to Thor from Norse Mythology

Thunder Gods from different Mythology: For thousands of years, thunder and lightning were puzzling phenomena that were either personified as gods to be worshipped or thought to represent the angry deeds of certain gods. Locations hit by lightning were considered as holy places, and numerous temples were frequently constructed there since lightning was frequently thought to be a messenger of the gods. A thunder god, the personification or origin of the powers of thunder and lightning, has been theorized by people from many different cultures; a lightning god does not have a conventional representation and will vary depending on the culture. The Thunder God is frequently referred to as the head or monarch of the gods, such as Zeus in Greek mythology, Indra in Hinduism, and Perun in ancient Slavic religion, or as a near relative, such as Thor in Norse mythology. Here are some of the most well-known lightning and thunder gods from various mythology and civilizations

Zeus – Greek Mythology

Thunder Gods from different Mythology - Zeus – Greek Mythology
Thunder Gods from different Mythology – Zeus – Greek Mythology

Zeus, the deity of lightning and thunder in Greek mythology, is known as the “Father of Gods and men” and controlled the Olympians of Mount Olympus like a father would oversee a family. All the gods bow in his presence, and even those who are not his biological children regard him as Father. He was the universe’s ruler for the Greeks, who regarded him as the King of the Gods. Everyone knows that Zeus is the king of heaven. Zeus gives the roles of the many gods. He is considered as the gods’ chieftain. The thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak are some of his emblems. He is frequently portrayed as a man with a beard clutching a thunderbolt, but when he is without his weapon, he is occasionally shown with an eagle. It was assumed that he punished evildoers, presided over the weather, and conveyed signs to mortals through thunder and lightning. He was considered the most formidable god in Greek Mythology as well as the ruler of the Olympian gods.

Jupiter – Roman Mythology

Jupiter – Roman Mythology
Thunder Gods from different Mythology – Jupiter – Roman Mythology

The primary god of thunder, lightning, and storms in pre-Christian Roman religion was Jupiter. His Latin name, Luppiter, is derived from Dyeu-pater, which means Day-Father in English. Zeus, whose name derives from the Latin word for deity, deus, is etymologically related to Dyeu. He shared a relationship with sky phenomenon, just like the Greek god. Because the Romans saw the flint stone or pebble as a symbol of lightning, Jupiter was often depicted holding one of these stones in his hand rather than a thunderbolt. He had already come to be regarded as the greatest of all gods by the time the Republic began to flourish, and a temple on Capitoline Hill was erected in his honor. When the kingdom needed rain, a sacrifice known as the aquilicium was offered to ask for his assistance. Jupiter, who was worshipped under a variety of names like Triumphator, Imperator, and Invictus, stood for the bravery of the Roman army. He was honored by a celebration called the Ludi Romani, or Roman Games.

Indra – Hindu Mythology

Thunder Gods from different Mythology - Indra – Hindu Mythology
Thunder Gods from different Mythology – Indra – Hindu Mythology

Indra is the god of thunder and storms and one of the most worshipped gods in Vedic religion. In Hindu mythology, he is the Lord of Heaven and the King of the Devas. He frequently appears in paintings riding his white elephant while wielding a sword, a chisel, and a thunderbolt. He is portrayed as a powerful warrior, a ruler, and a bringer of rains among other things in early religious scriptures. Even during times of conflict, he was revered and called upon. One of the principal gods in the Rigveda, Indra later gained prominence in Hinduism. He was even given mythological status in some religions, particularly in Indian Jain and Buddhist myths. He is also the Rainfall and War God. One of the main gods in the Rigveda is Indra. Indra is given a heroic, occasionally brazen, and passionate personality in Puranic mythology, despite the fact that the development of the Trimurti in later Hinduism decreased his prestige and position.

Lei Gong – Chinese Mythology

Lei Gong – Chinese Mythology
Thunder Gods from different Mythology – Lei Gong – Chinese Mythology

Lei Gong, also known as Lei Kung or Lei Shen, is a Chinese god who, when instructed to do so by above, punishes both people on earth who have committed hidden crimes and demonic spirits who have harmed humans using their understanding. Lei Gong is known as the Chinese god of thunder. He carries a chisel to punish evildoers as well as a drum and mallet to create thunder. He rides in a chariot steered by A Xiang, a small child. Lei Gong is portrayed as a terrifying being who only wears a loincloth and has bat wings, claws, and a blue visage with a bird’s beak. Anyone who wastes food is said to be attacked by him with thunderbolts. Despite the rarity of shrines created for him, some people continue to worship him in the hopes that the deity will exact vengeance on their adversaries.

Thunder Bird – American Mythology

Thunder Gods from different Mythology - Thunder Bird – American Mythology
Thunder Gods from different Mythology – Thunder Bird – American Mythology

One of the prominent sky gods in American mythology is the Thunderbird. It is a mythical creature in the history and culture of some indigenous North American people. It is regarded as a mystical bird of strength and power. It plays a significant role and is vividly portrayed in the art, music, and historical accounts of many Pacific Northwest Coastal cultures, as well as in varied ways among the inhabitants of the Great Plains and the American Southwest. The mythical bird was thought to produce thunder and lightning from its wings. The thunderbird, however, is the subject of various tribal legends. While the Lakota believed it to be the grandchild of a sky spirit, the Algonquian people believed it to be the ancestor of humanity. It represents conflict according to Winnebago custom. It typically denotes power and protection because it is a thunderstorm representation.

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