Kaliane Bradley’s The Ministry of Time is a captivating debut that fuses multiple genres, including science fiction, historical fiction, and romance, into an intriguing exploration of time travel and its consequences. The British government forms a secretive agency to bring historical figures from different eras into modern society, referring to them as “expats.” The protagonist, a British-Cambodian civil servant known as a “bridge,” is tasked with living alongside an 1847 “expat” named Commander Graham Gore, a British Arctic explorer presumed dead​.
The novel deftly balances humor, wit, and poignancy. Bradley’s skill in weaving comedic situations with thoughtful reflections on adaptation stands out. Gore’s attempts to navigate contemporary inventions like washing machines and Spotify provide amusing and heartwarming moments. Meanwhile, the protagonist struggles with her mixed-race heritage and family history, giving the story additional layers​.
Despite the humor, the story doesn’t shy away from heavier topics like colonialism and the impact of historical legacy. Gore wrestles with his past involvement in the Arctic expedition, grappling with guilt over the tragedies that ensued. The novel also touches on contemporary issues like racism, sexuality, and cultural identity, enriching the narrative​​.
Bradley’s debut is a fascinating page-turner that offers a thought-provoking commentary on how history intertwines with the present while delivering a touching romance between two individuals navigating a world that neither fully understands. The Ministry’s overarching agenda and the challenges the protagonists face create a gripping storyline that holds readers’ attention until the final revelation. If you enjoy genre-blurring narratives with emotional depth and sharp wit, this book is an inspiring and entertaining read​​.
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