By – Lucinda Berry

The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry begins with an extraordinary introduction that made me figure I would be up the entire night reading. Lucinda Berry’s portrayal of parenthood and loss ripped straight through to my core.

Childhood friends, grew up together, got married, got pregnant, and bringing up their kids together, it’s nothing unexpected that their oldest children also turn into their best friends. However, what happens one night when misinformed and influenced minds go sideways is every mother’s worst fear: the feared call that something has happened to your child.

Lucinda Berry knows how to set the plot for an amazing read. I was hooked directly from the preface, longing to discover what truly happened that evening. Berry has the perfect touch, delving into your mind in the darkest manners possible, not that I’d expect anything less from this ‘previous clinical psychologist and leading specialist in childhood trauma.’

I will admit, The Best of Friends took me somewhat more to peruse in light of the fact that, truly, it’s a troublesome subject – particularly as a mother. Berry constrains her perusers to recognize that these circumstances could happen to anybody; we don’t generally understand our children as much as we’d prefer to believe, and we for the most part haven’t a sign what goes on in secret. I even needed to take a couple of mental breaks to get myself straightened out, however generally to embrace my kids closely and advise them that they’re loved and mean unquestionably the world to us.

I ended up getting marginally lost at a couple of focuses as I needed to swipe back to recollect who was who. I wound up taking a couple of notes and recording character names, family members and emotions. however, I do see and esteem every story and character for what they brought to The Best of Friends. The lone different parts of the story that felt somewhat not right were notices of a dietary problem and a previous prom, I’m as yet not exactly sure how they identified with the general storyline. Character-wise, however, each had their characteristics and relativity. Despite the fact that Dani made me insane, I just couldn’t get her and Bryan. The manner in which Bryan treats his family is completely unforgivable, and the way that Dani endures it, to a point, is unbelievable to me. Once more, I know, connections like this do exist, and I feel that Berry got along admirably at itemizing bits of what these lives, and encounters may resemble.

Main concern I was very fascinated and entranced beginning to end! The Best of Friends‘ dangerous preface grasps perusers. It drives directly into the repercussions of the investigation and the impacts that every woman’s melancholy has on their generally disordered lives. Lucinda Berry’s craftily articulated writing further goes to embody the general concept that things aren’t generally as they show up. What survives from the lives of these youngsters and their families are always shows signs of change. One thing without a doubt, nothing will actually be the same again.

I will highly recommend this novel to aficionados of the suspenseful thrill ride kind.

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