Sky Deities from Different Mythology: A sky deity often referred to as a welkin god, celestial god, empyrean god, or ether god, is a god who symbolizes a feature or an item connected to the sky itself, such as the sun, moon, or other celestial bodies, or a phenomenon like storms. Important religious importance is attached to the sky. The sky or the heavens are the domain of one or more deities in the majority of polytheistic religions. Even though there are usually several sky gods, this role is occasionally reserved for one who is said to rule over the others or at the very least is considered to be the most powerful. There are gods associated with the sky in many religions, both monotheistic and polytheistic.
Sky Deities from Different Mythology (Sky Gods)
Amun – Egyptian Mythology

Amun, a deity in Egyptian and Berber mythology, was the subject of the most intricate theological structure in ancient Egypt in the form of Amun-Ra. Amun symbolized the vital and hidden while staying hypostatic, whereas in Ra he symbolized revealed divinity. He was the protector of the underprivileged and the epitome of personal piety because he was the creator deity.
Without a mother or father, Amun was self-created, and throughout the New Kingdom, he rose to become the pinnacle of Egyptian theology’s transcendental deities. He was neither seen to be an extension of creation nor was he thought to be immanent inside it.
Olorun – Sub-Saharan Mythology

Olorun is the Yorùbá word for a single being who is either the only being in monotheism or the only being in polytheism in deistic and theistic religions. It is recognized as a Self-Existing Entity in any case. It is frequently referred to as Olódùmarè and is thought of as the infinite lord of the sky who is all-pervasive and the possessor of all heads. Usually, there is no gender assigned. As a result, “It” or “They” are common terms used to refer to it.
It is frequently believed to be the conduit via which the ideas and deeds of every “Ayé” individual engage with those of all the other life forms, including the cosmos itself. It is the supreme creator and the source of all energy. Additionally, Olorun has been described in a variety of ways, such as an incorporeal entity, a personal being, the origin of all moral obligations, and the “largest imaginable existent.”
Horus – Egyptian Mythology

Horus, who was revered from at least the late Predynastic period until Greco-Roman times, is among the most important and ancient gods in the religion of Ancient Egypt. Horus has taken on various incarnations throughout history, and Egyptologists treat each of these as separate deities. These various representations of the same multifaceted deity may be seen as different perspectives if they emphasize certain qualities or syncretic relationships that are not necessarily antagonistic but complementary with one another, similar to how Ancient Egyptians perceived the many facets of reality.
As the patron god of Nekhen in Upper Egypt and the oldest national deity known, Horus the Falcon is the earliest form that has been identified. He is specifically tied to the king who through time came to be seen as a representation of Horus in both life and death. Horus is typically described as the child of Isis and Osiris, although according to another story, Hathor is sometimes occasionally referred to as both his mother and his wife. The three roles that Horus played most prominently in the Egyptian pantheon were the deity of the sky, the god of war, and the god of protection.
Nuada – Celtic Mythology

The first ruler of the Tuatha Dé Danann in Irish mythology was Nuada or Nuadu, also known by the nickname Airgetlám, which means “silver hand/arm.” The husband of Boann, he is also known by the names Nechtan, Nuadu Necht, and Elcmar.
He is most known for the legend in which he loses a hand or arm in battle and hence his kingship but recovers it after Dian Cécht heals him magically. With ties to the Gaulish and British diety Nodens, who is linked with fishing and hunting, Nuada is believed to have been a god. Nudd or Lludd Llaw Eraint are his equivalents in Welsh.
Uranus – Greek Mythology

Among the Greek ancient deities and the ruler of the sky in Greek mythology is Uranus, also known as Ouranos. Hesiod claims that Uranus was Gaia’s son and husband and that he fathered the very first race of Titans with her.
Uranus does not feature among the typical themes of Greek painted pottery, and no direct cult to Uranus remained into Classical times. However, in the Homeric epic, Sky, the elemental Earth, and Styx may unite in a solemn invocation. Both the Jewish god Yahweh and the Roman god Caelus are connected to the planet Uranus.
Asman – Iranic Mythology

Asman, the Zoroastrian deity who is the hypostasis of the sky is known by the Avestan and Middle Persian. In contrast to the firmament, which is closer to the earth, Asman is known as the “highest sky.” He is honored on the 27th day of the Zoroastrian calendar. The Veda defines asman as “sky.” Since it also implies “stone,” the phrase “stony firmament” refers to the sky in particular.
The word is cited in the Avesta as being the first item made, most specifically in the Vendidad. In addition, it is the source of the word asman in both contemporary Persian and a number of South Asian languages.
Jupiter – Roman Mythology

Jupiter, often known as Jove, was the supreme deity and the god of the sky and thunder in ancient Roman mythology and religion. In the Greek pantheon, he is Zeus’ counterpart.
He oversaw the establishment of legislation and social order as the main god of ancient Rome. Alongside Juno and Minerva, he was one of the Capitoline Triad’s three gods. Jupiter Optimus Maximus, which translates to “Jupiter Best and Greatest,” was the subject of the most significant temples of the Roman Republic.
Dyaus Pita – Hindu Mythology

The Sky Father, also known as Dyaus Pita or Dyauspitr in the Vedic pantheon, is the godly partner of the Prithvi and the father of Indra, Agno, and Ushas, the daughter who symbolizes dawn. In ancient Vedic mythology, the Dyavaprthivi was a composite dvandva being made up of the Dyau Pit and Prithivi Mat. Vasishta Maharishi chastised him for hitting Nandini, the revered cow, with a thorny stick.
He is thought to have adopted the form of Bhishma and died in accordance with his Karma after getting pierced by numerous arrows for harming Nandini. The residence of Dyaus Dyulok is referred to in the Rig Veda as the Primeval Purusha, the Fountainhead of God.
Nut – Egyptian Mythology

Nut was the sky goddess in Egyptian mythology known as the Ennead. She is one of the oldest gods in the Egyptian pantheon, and her name translates as “night.” Her origins can be traced back to Heliopolis’ genesis myth. Originally known as the deity of the night sky, she later went by the name “sky goddess”.
Her headgear was a hieroglyph of a pot, which may also represent the uterus and is a portion of her name. Every woman, according to the ancient Egyptians, was a tiny goddess known as a nutrit. Although Nut was typically portrayed as a human, he was also occasionally portrayed as a sycamore tree, a cow whose enormous body constituted the sky and heavens, or as a giant sow who was feeding several piglets.
Teshub – Hurrian Mythology

Teshub was the Hurrian God for the storm and sky. He was a descendant of Taru the Hattian. Despite coming from the Hittite root *tarh which means to conquer or destroy. Tarhun was his Hittite and Luwian name with the alternative stem forms Tarhunt, Tarhunta, and Tarhuwant.
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