Olympic Games: Best Books By Olympic Players

Olympic Games: Best Books By Olympic Players
Olympic Games: Best Books By Olympic Players

With the final closer of Olympic games at Tokyo Olympics, what better books to turn to than those by prolific Olympic winners? That’s exactly what we’re doing today. Today we have bought you some best books by Olympic players.

Letters to a Young Athlete by Chris Bosh

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

This is a memoir consisting of a collection of letters by NBA player and Olympic gold medalist Chris Bosh. Hidden in his own inspiring story are nuggets of wisdom and experience for not just sportsmen but people in all walks of lives.

Misty: Digging Deep in Volleyball and Life by Misty May-Treanor

Best Books By Olympic Players
Best Books By Olympic Players

Misty, the two time Olympic gold medal winner for beach volleyball is a star in her own right. This is her story, replete with passionate and poignant anecdotes that made her who she is today. This book is profoundly inspiring and motivational.

Grace, Gold and Glory by Gabrielle Douglas

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

Gabby Douglas was the widely adored gymnast who stole the gold medal and not a few hearts in the London Olympics. Here, she has poured her heart out, and talked extensively about the leaps of faith and consistent determination that helped her win the game and life.

On the Line by Serena Williams with Daniel Paisner

Best Books By Olympic Players
Best Books By Olympic Players

Narrating the story of her life, right from her childhood to her Olympic stint, world known tennis star Serena has immortalized her fame in this book. Written with simplicity, humility and candour, this book celebrates her victory over life’s challenges.

When Nobody Was Watching by Carli Lloyd with Waine Coffey

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

The three time medalist of the Tokyo Olympics, Carli wrote this novel in 2016, as she was preparing for her stint. By then, she had already won enough accolades to fill a whole book with pages of inspiring stories, struggles, victories and disappointments though.

Running for my Life by Lopez Lomong

Best Books By Olympic Players
Best Books By Olympic Players

Lopez is one of the world’s best runners, and a product of the Sudanese Civil war who became a Nike sponsored athlete in the Olympics. This is his personal history, about outrunning the devil. This is also a story of seemingly impossible dreams, and their realization through determination, discipline and sheer hope.

Let Your Mind Run by Deena Kastor

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

A prolific marathon runner and Olympic medalist, Kastory’s memoir is a story of perseverance, grace and conquering the world. As a woman, her story is also deeply inspiring to the women whose ambitions have been shot down by the world. In addition, this book also has informative insights about the art of running, combining science with strength.

Making Waves by Shirley Babashoff

Best Books By Olympic Players
Best Books By Olympic Players

Shirley, with six world records and 37 national records, is a global swimming icon. Here, she chronicles her life, from her abusive childhood to her ginormous success. This book is a piece of sunlight for your ambitions, sportive or otherwise.

Forward by Abby Wambach

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

This is the story of Olympic athlete, Abby, which talks about the importance of always pushing the envelope, for yourself and for the world at large. As an icon for women across the world, her success story is a wonderful inspiration.

Off Balance by Dominique Moceanu with Paul and Teri Williams

Best Books By Olympic Players
Best Books By Olympic Players

This book isn’t just an inspiring account of a gymnast icon, it is also a sensational piece on fighting against odds. In this profoundly insightful book, she reveals the darker side of Olympics, of her disturbed childhood and more. This book will keep you hooked on to it while also changing your perspective on the Olympics and Olympians.

No Limits by Michael Phelps with Alan Abrahamson

Olympic Games
Olympic Games

Michael Phelps is one of the most well known Olympians ever, and an Olympic legend. And this is not just because of his achievements and accolades but also because of who he is as a person and due to his mindset. His approach to competition, consistency, discipline, sacrifice and hard work has influenced countless people.

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