Nike | The Goddess of Victory | Greek Mythology: Nike is the deity, so if you find the Greek deity charming, you’re onto a good thing. The most potent deities in the Greek Pantheon have been her allies throughout her history. She entered our language through her Roman incarnation, along with being the name of an anti-aircraft missile and an apparel company, she also entered our language through her Roman incarnation. Victoria was her name among the Romans. Before visiting the Acropolis of Athens, where she shares a pedestal with Athena, learn more about the goddess, her life, and the mythology that surrounds her.
Nike | The Goddess of Victory | Origin
Three eras of dominant deities can be found in the Greek pantheon. Gaia, the Mother of Earth; Uranus, the sky; Thalassa, the spirit of the sea and Kronos; the spirit of Time, among others, were among the earliest gods to emerge from Chaos. Titans, who were their offspring, took their position. They were eventually vanquished and replaced by the Olympians, Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Athena, who eventually rose to prominence.
You may be asking what Nike has to do with all of this at this point. It contributes to the convoluted story of her ancestry. She is said to be the offspring of Styx, a nymph who is a Titanian daughter and the guardian spirit of the main river of the Underworld, and Pallas, the Titan god of war who sided with the Olympians in battle. In a different legend told by Homer, she is the child of Ares, Zeus’s child and the Olympian god of war; nevertheless, the myths of Nike precede those of Ares by many millennia.
By the time of the classical era, a lot of these early deities had been relegated to playing the part of characteristics or features of the principal deities, much like the plethora of Hindu deities are symbolic representations of the main deities. As a result, Athena Nike is the goddess who triumphs whereas Pallas Athena is a depiction of the deity as a warrior.
Nike’s Family
Nike never married or had kids. Zelos, Kratos, and Bia were the three brothers she did have. She and her siblings were Zeus’s closest friends. Nike’s mother Styx is said to have taken her kids to Zeus when the deity was gathering friends for the conflict with the Titans.
Mythological Role
Nike is pictured in classical iconography as a youthful, fit woman with wings and a blade or frond from a palm tree. Hermes’ staff, which represents her function as the Victory’s messenger, is something she frequently carries. But by far her most impressive feature is the size of her wings. In fact, during the classical era, Nike was singular in having preserved hers, in contrast to representations of earlier winged gods, who may take the form of birds in myths.
She undoubtedly wanted them since she is frequently depicted soaring above battlegrounds awarding honor, fame, and victory by distributing laurel wreaths. In addition to her wings, she excels in running quickly and driving the divine chariot. Nike does not truly figure in many mythological tales, despite her remarkable looks and distinctive abilities. She almost always serves as Zeus or Athena’s assistant and companion.
The first Ionic temple on the Acropolis is the tiny but exquisitely shaped Temple of Athena Nike, which is located to the right of the Propylaea, the entry to the Acropolis of Athens. About 420 B.C., during Pericles’ rule, Kallikrates, a member of the Parthenon’s architects, created the structure. It formerly housed an Athena statue, but it had no wings. About 600 years later, in a work titled Pausanias, the Greek traveler, and geographer, referred to the goddess portrayed here as Athena Aptera. He explained that the goddess’ wings were taken off by the Athenians in order to keep her from ever escaping the city.
That could very well be the case, however soon after the temple’s construction, a parapet wall having a frieze of many winged Nikes was built. The Acropolis Museum, located below the Acropolis, contains a few of these frieze panels. One of them, dubbed “The Sandal Binder,” shows Nike fixing her sandal. It shows the goddess dressed in revealing damp clothing that bares her figure. One of the Acropolis’s erotic carvings, according to some, is this one.
Visit the Acropolis between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.; the last admittance is at 4:30 p.m.; full admission is 20 euros in 2018. An exclusive ticket package, valid for five days at the full price of 30€, includes the Archaeological Museum of Karameikos, the Ancient Agora of Athens, Hadrian’s Library, the Museum of the Ancient Agora, the Archaeological Site of Lykeion, the slopes of the Acropolis, and many other sites. There are tickets available at a discounted price and free days. In the winter, the Acropolis Museum is open at 9 a.m.; in the summer, it opens at 8 a.m. Closing times can change. The cost of general entry is £5 and is available at the museum or online.
The most famous representation of Nike is found in a gallery of the Louvre in Paris, not in Greece at all. It depicts the deity standing on the prow of a sailboat and is also referred to as Winged Victory or the Winged Victory of Samothrace. It is among the most well-known artworks in the world and was made around 200 B.C.
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