Love Interests of She-Hulk: She-Hulk isn’t the most prominent super powered woman in the marvel universe. Despite this, she has a huge fan base because of her unusual character, which is very different from most of her female counter parts. Her character has taken a lot of leaps and turns over the decades. From being super aggressive and short tempered to witty and humorous. Even while fighting with her opponents she never fails to add her humours punches while kicking their a**s.
This amazing character was created by the legend himself, Stan lee and Busceman. Her 1st appearance was in Feb 1980 in the comics ‘The Savage She-Hulk’. The character has had her fair share of love interests over the decades. Some of her love interests are the most powerful and iconic characters of the Marvel Comics.
Love Interests of She-Hulk in Marvel Comics

This Greek God of Marvel (Asgardian) is also one of She-Hulk’s love interests. How can the God of Thunder not be anyone’s choice, She-Hulk is no different. They came close in battle with the Final Host, this even led to their first date.

She-Hulk came close to the son of Zeus in the 2000’s but before this she used to fantasise about the Olympian. The power house has God like strength which drew She-Hulk towards him. She had a crush on him for years.

This has to be one of the most complicated and complex love affairs in the Marvel Comics. Where Judgement who is one of the strongest X men Villain till date connected with She-Hulk. They had the spark in their romance but was later revealed by the Marvel Comics that this Jennifer(She-Hulk) was a variant from another universe.
Luke Cage

By know it’s quite clear that She-Hulk loves power and is drawn towards powerful and strong men. Luke Cage is one of the strongest marvel characters who could even lift 25 tons of weight. Thought it is a lot less than She-Hulk who can touch the three figure mark too but seems this strength of Luke was more then enough for him to draw the lady power house towards her. Their romance lasted for a short span of time which began in the 1990’s when they collaborated for cases.

This has to be the most interesting love affair of the She-Hulk with the self-proclaimed StarGod who possesses superhuman strengths, speed, stamina and even healing powers. Now we know why she was drawn to this Super Human Wolf character. But this time things went a bit future, they even got married. But unfortunately for the Super Human Wolf this marriage didn’t last long and was even cancelled later because of some circumstances.
Iron Man

Now comes a surprising name Tony Stark aka Iron Man, a quite different character from most of She-Hulk’s love affairs. The billionaire Superhero is not at all about brut strength he’s more of a person who believes in his intelligence, technology and research for fighting villains. They came close during the early 2000’s when Iron Man was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Clay Quartermain

Looks like the S.H.I.E.L.D. connection isn’t leaving the lady power house this quick. This time she dated an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. ‘Clay Quartermain’. This guy was a part of the Hulkbusters Squad in the early 2000’s from where their dating began.
Wyatt Wingfoot

So now let’s go back to the 80’s to meet another love interest of the She-Hulk when she dated a normal guy. Until now we have encountered Superheroes and super natural humans. Wyatt was the most normal guy, She-Hulk dated. It was one of her strongest relationships that when on for some time. Now we can say in this case too that the opposite attracts.

This is an interesting story of two childhood friends. Zapper was a normal guy with some flaws but there can be no doubt that the man had immense love for Jennifer even after being married to another woman. He even went on to defeat war zone, but eventually the relationship ended when She-Hulk came to know that ‘War Zone’ was created by him to manipulate her into the romantic relationship.

Richard Rory was a simple person with no super powers who eventually became wealthy before meeting is lady love. He also helped her escape from the police. He didn’t hesitate to ask She-Hulk for a date. This was their start to their romantic journey but was short-lived because Jennifer left her for her childhood friend Zapper.
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