In Five Years : By – Rebecca Serle

“A heartwarming portrait of a broken heart finding a little healing magic”
In Five Years _ By - Rebecca Serle

By – Rebecca Serle

In Five Years is the first novel that I’ve read written by Rebecca Serle and it was totally awesome, you in a real sense couldn’t take your eyes from the pages, it has you completely hooked directly from the 1st page and doesn’t release you until you have completed the entire novel.

This story line is great and you will be desperate to perceive how everything happens until the end its not what you expect, it’s magnificent.

Where do you see yourself in five years? is a simply question all of us ask ourselves sooner or later in our lives. Dannie has everything or so it appears, she has a high flying vocation and is going to have a huge significant meeting of her life that she aces. Her boyfriend has quite recently proposed and subsequent to having a couple of glasses of champagne to celebrate the happiness. She nods off thinking that she is far up on her five year plan.

At the point when she awakens she is some place very surprising, distinctive home, diverse spouse and ring and a totally unique life, when she realise subsequent after looking at the TV five entire years have passed. She chooses to disregard what ever it was that occurred, a fantasy a feeling whatever it was she chooses to overlook it. The question is will destiny allowed her to disregard it or did it occur on purpose?

When I began reading this book I was exceptionally captivated and I was desperate to know what will happen I was unable to take my eyes of the pages.

The characters in this novel are written so good and the companionship among Dannie and Bella is so lovely to see and furthermore so heart-breaking. These two resemble sisters and experience so a lot together that your feelings will be on a crazy ride, you will truly require the tissues when reading this novel since certain things are absolutely tragic. This novel is an extremely amazing read and the romantic tale between the pages that is blooming is lovely to see.

I truly delighted in perceiving how this story planned to play out, this book is a complete page turner and I was unable to put it down, I was hooked from page one and I will strongly recommend this book to everybody since it is extraordinary compared to other five star read. I’m happy that I have found another incredible writer to peruse.

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