How Spider-Man died in Different Timelines/universe: In the regular Marvel Comics universe, Peter Parker is known as the “Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man”, yet there are alternate universe in which Spider-Man is consumed by fury and grief, governed by corrupted symbiotes, or beaten by strong antagonists. In a few of these sinister parallel worlds, Spider-Man passes away. Marvel Zombies as well as Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe, two limited series that explore alternate realities, almost all have tragic fates for the primary characters. Intimate tales that depict tragic, damaged Peter Parkers whose decisions ultimately lead to their downfall and deaths may be found in What If Spider-Man The Other and the “Last Stand” sequence in Amazing Spider-Man, as well as more recent works like Spider-Man: Homecoming.
How Spider-Man died in Different Timelines/universe
In What If…, Peter’s life was drained by the symbiote

What If…?, a comic by Mark Bagley and Danny Fingeroth, considered a scenario in which Spider-Man retained the black outfit he first received during Marvel’s Secret Wars. Peter decided to keep the suit in this timeline without realizing it was a symbiote progressively consuming his body. Once the symbiote started affecting Peter’s choices, the timeline was radically altered. Peter eventually lost all of his abilities and youth as a result of the symbiote, and Reed Richards subsequently found him as a dead old man. The symbiote turned its attention to new victims and took control of characters like Thor and the Hulk before being wiped out by Black Cat.
In an alternate universe, Norman Osborn turned into Spider-Man

During the Spider-Geddon incident, the unthinkable happened: Norman Osborn another world counterpart became Spider-Man. Peter was not bitten by the radioactive spider on Earth-44145; Norman was. Then Norman invented the machine that would enable him to travel across universes, becoming the Spider-Man of his world. The Peter Parker of that Earth attempted to warn Harry Osborn about Osborn’s interdimensional ambitions, but Norman eventually killed him. Before disclosing his self-serving motives with the Web of Life & Destiny, “Spider-Norman” helped the Superior Spider-Man.
Dies in the hospital from an unknown disease

The Clone Saga is about to be revisited, so hold your nose. Peter falls and needs to be taken to the hospital in Spider-Man. Things have substantially worsened by the time we finally meet up with him in the upcoming issue. Ben Reilly and Mary Jane are helpless to stop Peter’s impending demise, and he is on the brink of death. When Peter flatlines at the end of the issue, he has not yet given Ben the order to carry on his legacy. Peter eventually succumbs to his unidentified illness. Spider-Man: The Final Adventure’s ending resulted in Peter losing his powers, hence the first few pages of Spectacular Spider-Man begin with MJ and Ben in sadness before Peter magically awakens.
Killed by the Wolverine

The X-Men event ‘Inferno’ rose to the top of the list of most enduring X-Men experiences. A swarm of demons conquered Earth in this fantastical, epic story. Illyana Rasputin, also known as Magik, helped the X-Men defeat the demons in the original plot. In What If? vol. 2, the X-Men, however, were outclassed. Many of Earth’s heroes, including Wolverine, were taken over by the demons in this parallel universe. Of the few heroes still alive, Spider-Man was one. Spidey suffered a back wound from adamantium claws during a bloody encounter with a tainted Hulk and Wolverine. With the aid of the Phoenix Force, the heroes ultimately triumphed, although, by that point, the majority of the world’s superheroes had already perished.
Spider-Man turned into a zombie

Earth’s Mightiest Heroes predictably contracted a mysterious illness that turned them into zombies in the alternate Marvel universe that were the subject of Marvel Zombies. Although the hero community was among the first to contract the illness, they quickly infected others by biting them. Unfortunately, Spider-Man turned into a zombie, just like almost all other notable characters. The Marvel Zombies’ reality was often regarded as one of the darkest in the Marvel Multiverse. The artwork was incredibly detailed and showed some genuinely scary and gruesome death scenes that were deserved in a dark comic.
Flash Thompson Had become Spider-Man

What if Flash Thompson took Peter Parker’s place as Spider-Man? What If?, a 1977 issue that investigated hypothetical scenarios in which Peter’s supporting cast members acquired spider-like abilities, was the first response to this query. That concept was revisited with worse outcomes in What If Spider-Man vol. 2. In this reality, Flash went to a science fair, got bitten by a radioactive spider, and turned into a violent vigilante. Peter sought Flash for assistance after videotaping Flash’s violent tactics. Flash accidentally killed Peter because he was upset that Peter knew who he was. Flash ultimately confessed to killing Peter after beating the Master Planner.
Deadpool slaughtered Spider-Man

Deadpool was inspired to start a deadly rage through the Marvel universe after Psycho-Man accidentally developed an inner voice inside him after trying to brainwash the Merc with a Mouth. The anti-hero Deadpool turned into a complete evil. He methodically eliminated some of the most potent heroes and villains from Marvel Comics, like Uatu the Watcher, using his regenerative factor and assassination talents. In Deadpool slaughters the Marvel Universe, Spider-Man showed up there and made an effort to calm down Deadpool. Deadpool shot Spiderman in the head after they got into a fight. Even the 4 corners of the page weren’t safe from Deadpool’s rampage, which took him to the Marvel Comics staff members.
Morlun Murdered Spider-Man in the Spider-Verse

One of the longest Spider-Man comic storylines ever, the Spider-Verse event introduced hundreds of Spider-People from several multiverses. The plot was packed with fan service and entertaining encounters, but it was also packed with graphic death scenes. Peter Parker in different universes and anyone else with spider-like abilities was killed by the Inheritors as they searched the multiverse. Morlun made an appearance in one of Spider-opening Verse’s sequences when Peter Parquagh, a.k.a. The Spider, appeared onstage. Marlon, a substitute for Mary Jane, stood idly by while Morlun killed Peter.
Controlled Totally by the Symbiote In What If?

After a bloody struggle with Morlun, Peter was captured in his webs in the original Marvel universe, and his spider abilities allowed him to be revived. But in an alternate reality of What If? Spider-Man The Other, known as Earth-70134, Peter turned down this resurrection, leaving his body still entangled in the webs. The symbiote quickly raced to Peter’s help and joined him after recognizing his condition. Taking the name Poison, the symbiote quickly overtook Peter’s body and psyche. As the symbiote gained total control and transformed into a very powerful version of Spider-Man, Peter Parker practically passed away that day. He then tried to turn Mary Jane into a symbiote hybrid as well.
Spider-Man was killed in the Old Man

Old Man Logan was a plotline that first appeared in the Wolverine series before launching its comic book. It was illustrated by Steve McNiven and written by Mark Millar. Wolverine and Hawkeye were two of the final heroes standing in the story’s dystopian future version of the Marvel Comics universe. The majority of the Marvel heroes, including Spider-Man, have been killed by strong, united enemies in combat. Spider-costumed Man’s bones, like those of several other heroes, were featured on Wolverine’s cover. Even after Peter Parker passed away, Ashley Barton put on a Spider-suit of her own to try to take over the Kingpin’s domain.
Last Stand

Amazing Spider-Man vol. 2 is where the “Last Stand Spider-Man” first appeared; the ASM issue further explored the timeframe. This Peter Parker was an older, darker, and more cynical version of the original character developed by John Romita Jr. and J. Michael Straczynski. In this alternate history, Peter savagely massacred the remainder of his rogues’ gallery after killing Kraven the Hunter. In a vision, the Spider-Man from Marvel’s canonical universe saw his future alter ego take his final stand against the NYPD before dying from numerous gunshot wounds.
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