DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies

DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies
DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies

In the recent years DC hasn’t fared well on the Box Office. Most of their big budget movies have tanked on the big screen. People have also criticized DC and WB for not being able to portray the iconic storylines of the DC Comics. One big reason for this is that the Production House & creators have sidelined many iconic and important characters on the big screen. But with the recent attempts and releases it seems that Comic book giant is working towards improving it’s content. Only time will tell how the upcoming ventures and storylines of DC will fare on the big screen. But at least we can discuss a few fan suggestions and theories. Here are a few DC Characters who will make deadly Antagonist and Protagonist combination in Movies. So, do give it a read and tell us who’s your pick out of the 5 pairs.

DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies

Black Adam and Superman

DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies - Black Adam and Superman
DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies – Black Adam and Superman

The first pair on our list is the poster boy of DC and Hollywood’s poster boy Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson aka Black Adam. This duo is arguably the most talked about and hyped pair of the year. The hype and buzz around Superman’s cameo in Black Adam even overshadowed the movie itself. Although the two heroes have had their fair share of fight and storyline  in the comics. Which escalated the fans’ wish of seeing the two DC powerhouses together in one frame. The Wish was fulfilled by the 2022 DC movie ‘Black Adam’. However, the cameo has only increased and escalated the fascination of fans. If things go well the duo is likely to make a grand appearance on the big screen. An anti-hero vs Superheroe’s storyline with a dark theme would be a perfect premise for a movie starring Superman and Black Adam.

Fire and Ice

Fire and Ice
Fire and Ice

Most superhero genre movie buffs may not have heard about Fire and Ice. The popular pair have been part of the JL (International). The friendship and bond of Beatriz da Costa (Fire) and Tora Olafsdotter (Ice) is unparalleled. As most of the characters, these two characters have also been underutilized by DC on the screen. If the Comics giant wishes they can very well utilize the duo of Fire & Ice for their storylines. Them being not the so called A listers (less popular) superheroes can be a blessing in disguise for the Universe. DC will have full control and freedom of molding the characters according to the storyline. And can also merge their (Fire & Ice) plot with some other storyline if needed.

Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy

DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies - Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy
DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies – Wonder Woman and Poison Ivy

Wonder Woman is arguably the first female Superhero and is one of the most iconic female figures in the Comics & Entertainment world. The character is also one of the few DC characters who’s been properly backed by the Superhero Franchise and Production House. Seeing her previous ventures we hope that the character and storyline only gets bigger & better. A thing that the iconic female superhero needs is a great rival who’s as iconic as her own character of Wonder Woman. One such character is Poison Ivy, the supervillain can be a perfect match for the Amazonian. A faceoff between Poison Ivy and Wonder Woman will be a treat for the fans.

Aquaman and Hawkgirl

Aquaman and Hawkgirl
Aquaman and Hawkgirl

This pair may appear as a wired choice to many but at times wired choices can make a great pair. It would be interesting if a storyline is introduced featuring Aquaman and Hawkgirl. With the storyline fans can witness a different side of Aquaman. And DC can explore Hawkgirl’s character on the big screen. Hawkgirl’s character gained immense popularity with the Justice League Animated Series. The superhero franchise can utilize Hawkgirl’s character. The combination of forces of sea and sky coming together work wonders on the big screen.

Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate

DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies - Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate
DC Characters who will Make Deadly Antagonist and Protagonist Combination in Movies – Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate

Martian Manhunter is DC’s most underutilized character and it seems that Doctor Fate will also be competing for this badge of honor. While Manhunter is an iconic DC character who’s also one of the founding members of Justice League of America. Whereas Fate is also an iconic and one of the oldest superhero characters. Both Martian Manhunter and Doctor Fate are very powerful and layered characters. If used properly and portrayed well on the big screen, the duo can create a unique dimension in the DC Universe storyline.

Also Read: 10 Most Powerful Weapons in DC Comics

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