Court: By Tracy Wolff Is The Fourth Novel In Crave Series

Court By Tracy Wolff Is The Fourth Novel In Crave Series
Court By Tracy Wolff Is The Fourth Novel In Crave Series

Court by Tracy Wolff is the fourth novel in Crave Series and definitely a great addition to the story line. For me nothing is more fulfilling than seeing Grace completely coming into her own powers, strength, role as a leader, and discovering who she truly is. I feel like so much occurs in this novel. I was apprehensive with regards to how this group of friends were going to survive and push ahead after what occurred on the island. Things are fairly rough at first as expected however as the story advances and every individual starts to manage things in their own specific manner you can see them all develop just a little bit more.

Court By Tracy Wolff Is The Fourth Novel In Crave Series
Court By Tracy Wolff Is The Fourth Novel In Crave Series

At the beginning this book seems to be long, with many chapters. This book starts with Hudson’s POV; after the fight, he is with Grace in his room, and she appears to be out of it. But, we get a direct gander at Hudsons fears and why. They have been through many things together and lost a few really good friends.

Court by Tracy Wolff is a young adults novel and nothing is excessively described, however some are insinuated. Grace goes on a journey of adventure with Alistair and gets a reality bomb dropped on her. Heaps of drama and political plot-lines are practically similar to moves on a chessboard for Grace and her companions. In any case, the experience and life and death circumstances don’t stop; there is always one more piece of the riddle to get done with the ultimate task.

I really liked Hudson and Grace together; they work admirably and compliment one another. I likewise love the whole cast and crew of Jaxson, Flint, Macy, and others. This story gets sad as our team of unlikely legends gets outplayed and loses people I never saw. This book sure contains lots of adventure.

Court by Tracy Wolff is nail-biting great as we watch Grace explore through such countless decisions and develop personally and as a Queen. The adventure doesn’t stop there, and many pieces get uncovered. I’m stunned at the interconnections. This story settled many issues in the past books, so I’m intrigued to see what will come next. but, this story finished just before another adventure. Can’t wait to read the next installment!

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