Excited For Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness? Here are Books With The Multiverse Concept For You To Read

Books With The Multiverse Concept
Excited For Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness? Here are Books With The Multiverse Concept For You To Read

While Loki is messing with multiverse and excitement for Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness is high. We’ve got a list of books with the multiverse concept for you to read and enjoy.

Unity by Elly Bangs

Multiverse of Madness
Multiverse of Madness

This story unfolds in a multiverse where one planet, Iskat dominates the politics of the whole world. However, under Prince Taam’s rule, Thea and some other planets have begun to drift apart. After Prince Taam’s death, his widower Jainan must marry Taam’s cousin Kiem in order to foster peace. But it soon comes to light that Taam’s death may actually be a murder and that Jainan himself is a suspect. Jainan and Kiem must navigate the choppy waters of their marriage to prevent an interplanetary war.

Triplanetary by E E Smith

Books With The Multiverse Concept
Books With The Multiverse Concept

This book follows a war between the worlds of the ancient races Arisians and Eddorians, with Earth as the wager. The Arisians know that the evil naughtiness of the Eddorians will devastate the earth. SO they team up with Earth, and breed with them to birth super-warriors for defence. This is a multiverse at war, and nothing could be better.

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

Multiverse of Madness
Multiverse of Madness

Marguerite is the daughter of two great scientists, who have discovered a way to jump from one universe to another with ease. This is a pathbreaking development of science, which will change the world forever. But someone kills Marguerite’s parents, the killer escapes into a universe where no one can catch him or punish him. This book follows Marguerite’s attempt to bring justice to her parents, but in alternate universes, she adopts different identities and so does the killer. Ultimately, Marguerite begins to question the killer’s guilt and her father’s innocence, as things get more and more twisted.

Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku

Books With The Multiverse Concept
Books With The Multiverse Concept

If you are tired of reading science fiction, you can venture into speculative non-fiction centred around multiverses. She talks about everything multiverse related in this book, from black holes to time travel. She also lays down everything we know about the multiverse or M-Theory, which could potentially answer questions like what preceded the Big Bang and more.

Across The Universe by Beth Revis

Multiverse of Madness
Multiverse of Madness

This is the unique storyline of an interstellar world where frozen dead bodies are transferred to stellar distances over a whooping 300 years. But our protagonist Amy ends up waking 50 years before the expected time of arrival, and now all plans go awry. Conventional spacetime rules are bent, and a weird murder mystery and steamy romance follows.

Solaris by Stanislaw Lem

Books With The Multiverse Concept
Books With The Multiverse Concept

This work of classic Polish literature follows a scientist, Krish Kelvin as he makes a stellar journey to a planet to uncover its alien secrets. Here there is a sentient oceal like water body which seems to reflect a person’s repressed memories onto himself. Thus, victory over it begins with victory over oneself. This isn’t your usual multiverse setting, but just as engaging.

Artificial Absolutes by Mary Fan

Multiverse of Madness
Multiverse of Madness

This novel takes place in a futuristic world taken over by AI, where interstellar travel is like a day trip to the next town and technology is at its peak. Here, our protagonist Jane witnesses her best friend Adam being kidnapped. She instantly calls on her brother Devin to believe her even without any computer records and a wonderful story follows.

Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan

Books With The Multiverse Concept
Books With The Multiverse Concept

Chances are, you have heard about, if not seen, the TV series that is an adaptation of this wonderful story. It follows a colonized Earth in a multiverse, where humans are spread across the multiverse, and connected by occasional spaceship voyages. Also, human consciousness is like a software that can be downloaded. However, a recovering drug addict accidentally downloads the consciousness of our protagonist Takeshi. And soon, a billionaire employs Takeshi to uncover a murder mystery, a chilling story ensues.

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