Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies

Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies
Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies

The Harry Potter franchise is a global phenomenon. People still use the reference and consider them as a part of one of the Hogwarts House – such is the power of the Harry Potter franchise and the imagination of J. K. Rowling. And, there is hardly anyone who would complain about revisiting the movies. Each movie of the franchise has set standards for the next part. In this article, we are going to read in a sequence of best to worst Harry Potter movies.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

The Prisoner of Azkaban and its merits are unending. Alfonso Cuaron made sure to significantly alter the look of the movie without causing any vital changes from what Chris Columbus did. And these changes gave a lot of depth to the movie and the characters. A vital credit behind the representation of the movie goes to the cinematographer Michael Seresin.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a payoff movie in two words. It pays off emotionally, inaction and relationship-wise. There are several ways in which this movie could have gone wrong but the team did not let it go unsuccessful and made it memorable with the power, unity, strength in bond, and death of the true villains. The movie managed to provide an amazing conclusion but also an entirely pleasing entry unto itself.

Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies
Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Half-Blood Prince is the only movie in the franchise that has several comedic instances. Simultaneously, it deals with several dark materials with the death of Dumbledore, the story of Snape and his apparent betrayal, the introduction to the Horcruxes, and more. This is the most affecting movie of the entire series.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Order of the Phoenix is the only movie in the franchise whose screenwriting was not done by Steve Kloves, Michael Goldenberg took the screenwriting duty in his hand when Kloves declined to come back (he changed his decision and was back for Half-Blood Prince). David makes his debut and introduced the themes of corruption and power with the help of disgusting and terrifying Dolores Umbridge.

Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies
Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Sorcerer’s Stone is not that excellent compared to the rest of the movies in the series but it builds the base to create the rest of the franchise. Columbus managed to build the magical world of Hogwarts and make it believable enough. He also gave a good start to the friendship of the three main heroes.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Goblet of Fire took the franchise to the adult level, with the awkward attraction and interaction with the opposite sex with the arrival of foreign students, the onscreen appearance of Lord Voldemort, and more. Arguably, Goblet of Fire is the best book, but the movie is not up to the mark. Someone who has read the book would not love the movie adaptation of it as they will be able to identify the aspects that fall short.

Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies
Best to Worst Harry Potter Movies

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1

Deathly Hallows Part 1 was bearable till the first hour of the movie as we can the main characters Harry, Ron, and Hermione all embroiled in the muggle world but it loses its power to make someone sit for another hour due to mindless chasing and bickering among the trio. It was necessary for the plot to build up of Part 2 but to sit and watch it is unbearable. Another issue with the movie is it had to fulfil a lot of aspects in one movie such as Ron and Hermione’s romantic confession, the upcoming battle of Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore’s back story, and more.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Chamber of the secrets is the longest film of the series. It did not happen by accident, or coincidentally, the movie tried to fit in almost the entire book. Chris Columbus did an amazing job in building the real Hogwarts environment along with a darker side of the plot. The film might not be as bad but the most laborious one. Columbus did a great job in certain aspects of representation such as the character of Dobby. But this movie certainly did not live up to the excellence of the rest.

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