Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time You Should Read This Summer

Best Non-Fiction Books You Should Read This Summer
Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time You Should Read This Summer

Today, we’ve compiled a list of the best non-fiction books of all time you should read this summer. There are diverse books in this list – from history and science to self help and philosophy. There are some books about economics and psychology as well.

A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time
Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time

This novel is exactly what its title says – a history of science condensed into a few hundred pages. Bryson’s writing is such that you will never get bored of it, even though the book is jam packed with information. Believe it or not, this book is actually very humorous. From all major scientists, their life and discoveries to life before mankind and an in-depth study of molecules and atoms, this book has it all.

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari

Non-fiction Read This Summer
Non-fiction Read This Summer

Harari is perhaps one of the most intelligent minds of recent times. This one deals with a vast range of subjects, from work, liberty, quality and education to civilization, nationalism, immigration and religion. He also talks about war, terrorism justice and even science fiction. In short, he discusses everything that is crucial to society in the modern context, and reading this will change your thinking and make you smart.

The Art of Thinking Clearly by  Rolf Dobelli

Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time
Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time

This one is a must read for everyone – it talks about the fallacies and biases the mind is prone to. These errors in thinking and judgement make us think our decisions will lead to maximum profits when in fact that isn’t the case. The intersection of psychology and business will help you understand yourself better AND will elevate your business to the next level – plus it’s also a compelling read.

What I Know for Sure by Oprah Winfrey

Non-fiction Read This Summer
Non-fiction Read This Summer

In this book, one of the biggest entertainers and talk show hosts of our times, Oprah Winfrey has documented her life lessons. This novel is a compilation of everything she has learnt and everything she ‘knows for sure.’ She covers everything from creativity, closeness to nature to the force of love and more. A profoundly insightful and feel-good read, reading this might just change your life.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time
Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time

This novel is about fulfilling your purpose in life, finding your destiny and pursuing your deepest passions. Apart from this, this book is also about finding meaning in life and cultivating joy and peace. In this book, Sharma gives insightful and practical lessons on how to develop positive thoughts, follow your dreams, enhance relationships, be disciplined, value time and live vibrantly. This is a must read philosophy book, which is also beginner friendly.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Non-fiction Read This Summer
Non-fiction Read This Summer

You may have heard about this finance book – it’s the ultimate financial guide for beginners! The author marks the differences between his biological father and the ultimate father figure in his life. This difference is in their mindset, especially about finances and investments. Through this difference, Kiyosaki gives insightful tips about how to save money, and how to be rich. This book is also about education, especially financial education.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time
Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time

With more than 15 million copies sold, this book is one of the most loved in the world. This book offers timeless advice to excel in professional and personal relationships. It offers six steps to making people like you and nine steps to make people act the way you’d like. This book has influenced millions of people, and hence has made it onto our list of the best non-fiction novels.

In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

Non-fiction Read This Summer
Non-fiction Read This Summer

This is one of the most acclaimed and beloved true crime novels of all time and deals with the brutal murder of the Clutter family in Kansas in 1959. In this novel, Capote undertakes a deep psychological study of Perry Smith and Dick Hickock as if they were specimens under a microscope. Told with compelling passion and painted in vivid detail, this book is a work of art that merges language with crime and has defined the genre of true crime. This is also a non-fiction novel that has stood the test of time.

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time
Best Non-Fiction Books of All Time

Passionate environmentalist Carson’s novel has moved people across the world to change their lifestyles and better the future. This book has had an impact great enough to cause changes in laws as well. Even fifty four years post its publication, it remains relevant and valid. In this novel. Carson talks about insecticides and pesticides that have negatively impacted the planet and has identified a solution to replace them – biotic controls.

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Non-fiction Read This Summer
Non-fiction Read This Summer

This novel is the memoir of a neurosurgeon diagnosed with cancer who attempts to understand the meaning of life. He attempts to answer the question – if all organisms die, then what is the value of life and why should we live? And especially, what makes life worthwhile when you stare at death in the face, knowing you are in the last stages of your life? The book will give you a fresh perspective on life, and will motivate you to embrace your life and live it more fully.

Also Read: Good Books Are Good Friends: 10 Reasons Why

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