Bacchanal by Veronica G Henry is a novel with Great story, strong characters and amazing magic. This one has so many twists. Extraordinary character development with fascinating persons and places filled with magic and demons. I was surprised and very much delighted in the read.

Bacchanal By Veronica G. Henry | Great Story, Strong Characters And Amazing Magic
Bacchanal By Veronica G. Henry | Great Story, Strong Characters And Amazing Magic

The novel is comprised of 42 short chapters, often following an alternate character when another chapter starts. There is a preface toward the start that gives you a bit of story foundation and some foreshadowing. Afterwards that the main chapter starts, set a couple of years later. The language of the novel reflects the time and place, the 1930s South. However, the story is simple to read, and the pace moves along rapidly.

African-American “Liza” is an animal show “tamer” at a travelling carnival in the Dust Bowl. The story is entrancing and most importantly, it is set at a carnival in the South. It is consistently an irresistible setting (The Night Circus, Water for Elephants and Robertson Davies “Universe of Wonders.”). The story has lots of interesting characters. Characters like Autumn, the “Cooch Dancer” (and prostitute) Clay, owner of the Bacchanal Carnival.

There are some stunning scenes; a casual encounter with a killing by people chopping up a black man. The pay back was planned for them as the carnival crisscrosses the US on Route 66. “Liza” whose extraordinary ability is to talk with animals through telepathy, experiences Native American spirit animals and many evils.

At the point when Liza discovers her sister at an orphanage, that was the point at which the story truly got me and held me. The understated cold-bloodedness of individuals who misuse and benefit from kids. The connection among Liza and Twiggy will grab you.

Overall, I truly enjoyed Bacchanal by Veronica G Henry and its details. Drawing intensely from lore and history, Veronica wove a story about carnival and a battle against evil that is not your typical hero story. While I discovered the ending somewhat rushed (and as such I got confused by some portion of the details), Eliza had fascinated that attracted me and mean I was pulling for her. The premise of sorcery, or acquired power, that Eliza got to work with additionally took a non-typical turn and made it interesting.

If you like reading fantasy stories and in addition to that a vintage setting, for example, a Depression time carnival. You will love this novel and the manner in which it jumps between place and time. That is the present reality and suddenly the universe of Nigerian spirits, animal totems and demons.

Also Read: The Soulmate Equation: By Christina Lauren

Book Review Podcast (Bacchanal By Veronica G. Henry | Great Story, Strong Characters And Amazing Magic)

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