Anime Characters Disliked By Their Creators: Some anime characters endure a lot of abuse for no apparent reason. Sometimes the creators of a series may work on a character that eventually comes to represent everything they despise. Despite the relative secrecy of this phenomenon, some writers have shown explicit contempt for particular characters. This article will discuss 10 anime characters whose creators don’t like them for a variety of reasons.
Anime Characters Disliked By Their Creators
Akira Toriyama – Chi-Chi and Vegeta (Dragon Ball)

When it comes to standing up for their beloved anime characters, Dragon Ball fans are among the most devoted and ferocious. Fans of Vegeta must be devastated by the fact that the Saiyan prince bothers series creator Akira Toriyama. Despite expressing his dislike for the character, the author has acknowledged his assistance in moving the plot forward.
Toriyama has also expressed his distaste for Chi-Chi, Goku’s wife and a formidable warrior in her own right, in addition to Vegeta. He doesn’t just hate her as a person; he also doesn’t enjoy painting her.
Gege Akutami – Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Gojo is undoubtedly the most well-known of all the anime characters that Jujutsu Kaisen brought to life. Fans are obsessed with this strong, stylish sorcerer. Unfortunately, Gege Akutami, the man behind Gojo, doesn’t share even the tiniest of their opinions.
George has shown his distaste for Gojo’s persona in several comments. There seems to be a strong dislike for the character, who is described as having no personality and being too important to the plot for his tastes. Akutami recommended Gojo fans vote for Nanami instead of Gojo in the anime character popularity poll.
Kentaro Yabuki – Haruna (To Love-Ru)

Many anime creators use real people they know as the inspiration for their creations. This is the case with Kentaro Yabuki, the author of To Love-Ru, who based the character Haruna on his ex-wife.
At first, this might have seemed like a sweet and romantic concept, but after his wife filed for a divorce, things swiftly went south. After that, Kentaro was so filled with hatred for Haruna that he was unable to even look at her.
Fujiko Fujio – Gatchako (Doraemon)

Doraemon was a fixture in the lives of many young people in the 1990s. Millions of people all over the world continue to love many of the characters it created. Except for one character, the series creators, Fujiko Fujio, share the same opinions.
There is a little duck inside the show called Gatchako that has only appeared a few times throughout the entire franchise. The writers quickly removed the character from the show after realizing how obnoxious and unfunny he was. In that sense, the authors are responsible for Gatchako’s decline into obscurity.
Kouta Hirano – Zorin Blitz (Hellsing Ultimate)

It’s not always simple to develop a memorable antagonist. It can be challenging to strike the right balance between a well-crafted phenom and one that is unnecessary. Zorin Blitz has made this known to Kouta Hirano, the man behind Hellsing Ultimate. Although this strong woman was one of the most cutthroat characters on the show, there wasn’t much to her persona. Kouta disapproved of his creation since he believed he did a poor job of developing her. He regretted having chosen a complicated design for her tattoos and was further irritated by the simple work of drawing them.
Naoko Takeuchi – Sailor Starlights (Sailor Moon)

Manga and anime crossovers don’t always go as smoothly as the creators would like. Despite being involved in the anime’s development, some decisions made by them or the responsible executives may have altered the story’s original course. This was the situation with Naoko Takeuchi, the creator of Sailor Moon, and her Sailor Starlights. She was incredibly proud of the Sailor Guardians she had designed for her manga, but not of the anime versions of the same trio. She believes that the differences between manga and anime Starlights are what made her dislike them.
Takeshi Shudo – Team Rocket (Pokemon)

For millions of fans, Team Rocket will always be a defining element of the Pokemon anime. These endearing and awkward anime characters are adept at making viewers laugh with their errors. Despite this, Takeshi Shudo, the author of the original tale, disapproves of how they develop in the anime’s later seasons.
Despite their fundamental incompetence, he designed Team Rocket to be a trio of villains capable of wreaking mayhem. Shudo believes that the current incarnation of Team Rocket is completely harmless and incapable of causing harm. He continues to be very open about how upset he is with how his characters ended out.
Kyoko Mizuki and Yumiko Igarashi – Candy (Candy Candy)

It is an incredible opportunity to work with friends to produce something that people all across the world adore. The series’ future must be protected from the impact of popular fervor, though. The people who made the well-known animation Candy Candy are acutely aware of this.
Yumiko Igarashi, the illustrator, attempted to obtain ownership of every anime character in the show. As a result, Kyoko Mizuki, the author, did all in her power to stop it from happening, even going so far as to sue an old acquaintance. Their main character Candy has grown to be so hated by them both that they claim they get headaches just thinking about her.
Inio Asano – Taneda (Solanin)

Many anime fans believe that producing strong characters is simple for those working in the field. But given how many writers struggle to create believable and endearing characters for their series, this couldn’t be further from the truth.
The author of the fantastic manga series Solanin, which has yet to be adapted into an anime, encountered several difficulties in creating the Taneda character. He made an effort not to reflect on the deeds of his character to assure a good process. Taneda, however, ultimately turned him off since he was too carefree and uninterested in living.
Tatsuya Endo – Anya (Spy X Family)

Millions of people have fallen in love with the Spy X Family franchise in recent months. Fans adore and cherish the series’ many good-natured and fascinating characters. Tatsuya Endo, the series creator, disagrees with their viewpoints.
He has acknowledged in the past that he did not entirely conceive the characters of Anya and Loid. In truth, it appears that the publishers repeatedly rejected his original ideas, which led him to appeal to the general population. In conclusion, he disapproves of the fact that Anya is one of his most well-known anime characters because he developed her out of necessity rather than conviction.
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