7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April

7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April
7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April

From spring to summer the way several kinds of flowers blossom with their gorgeous and elegant charm, some of the best writers were also born during this month with their intellect and dominance over words. If you have nothing on your plate, you can grab hold of any of these writers and you will not be disappointed. In this article, we are going to read about 7 famous writers born in April.

Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928)

7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April - Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928)
7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April – Maya Angelou (April 4, 1928)

Maya Angelou was an American memoirist, poet, actress, director, producer and civil rights, activist. She published three books of essays, seven autobiographies, and several books of poetry. She received dozens of awards and above 5o honorary degrees. Maya Angelou is popular for his autobiographies as it talks about her childhood and adult experiences. She became a writer after several occupations such as nightclub performer, sex worker, fry cook, and more. She died at the age of 86 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina on May 28, 2014.

William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770)

William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770)
William Wordsworth (April 7, 1770)

Wordsworth was an English Romantic poet who along with his companion Samuel Taylor Coleridge published the popular Lyrical Ballads and commenced a new literary era the Romantic Period in literature. His other known work is The Prelude which is a semi-autobiographical poem. He died due to pleurisy in Rydal, Westmorland on April 23, 1850.

Samuel Beckett (April 13, 1906)

7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April - Samuel Beckett (April 13, 1906)
7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April – Samuel Beckett (April 13, 1906)

Beckett was an Irish novelist, playwright, poet, theatre director, literary translator, and more. He wrote both in French and English language. He is famous for his modern European drama Waiting for Godot. Beckett’s works deal with themes such as black comedy, tragicomic experiences, nonsense and more. He is considered one of the key figures of the Theatre of the Absurd and one of the last modernist writers. He died on December 22, 1989.

Charlotte Bronte (April 21, 1816)

Charlotte Bronte (April 21, 1816)
Charlotte Bronte (April 21, 1816)

Bronte was an English poet and novelist. She was the eldest among the Bronte sisters. She is popular for her 1847 published novel Jane Eyre. The novel was published under the pen name of Currer Bell. Jane Eyre is focused on the theme of the significance of independence. Jane Eyre married his long time admirer Arthur Bell Nicholls. She died with her unborn child at the age of 38 on March 31, 1855.

Vladimir Nabokov (April 22, 1899)

7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April - Vladimir Nabokov (April 22, 1899)
7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April – Vladimir Nabokov (April 22, 1899)

Nabokov was a Russian-American poet, novelist, entomologist, and translator. He was also known by the pen name Vladimir Sirin. He is popular for his novel Lolita which was ranked 4th in the list of the Modern Library 100 Best Novels in 2007. Some of his other notable works are The Defense, Despair, Pale Fire, The Gift, The Enchanter, and more. He died in Montreux on July 2, 1977.

William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564)

Writers Born In The Month of April - William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564)
Writers Born In The Month of April – William Shakespeare (April 26, 1564)

William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright, and actor. He has immense contribution to the world of English literature since the Jacobean era – 154 sonnets, 39 plays, verses, and more. His plays are still being adapted and his works have been translated into almost every living language. He wrote comedies, and tragedies and some of them are based on historical incidents. His popular works are Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and more.

Harper Lee (April 28, 1926)

7 Famous Writers Born in April | Writers Born In The Month of April - Harper Lee (April 28, 1926)
7 Famous Writers Born in April – Harper Lee (April 28, 1926)

There is barely anyone who has not read To Kill a Mockingbird and it was all Harper Lee. Nelle Harper Lee was born in Monroeville, Alabama. She won several awards such as the Pulitzer for To Kill a Mockingbird, and the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her contribution to literature. She died in her sleep at the age of 89 on the morning of February 19, 2016.

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