15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World

Mythical creatures have captivated the imaginations of people all around the world for centuries. From dragons and griffins to unicorns and mermaids, these legendary beings have been a staple of folklore and mythology in many cultures. But while they may be the stuff of legend, they have also been used to scare children into behaving. From the fearsome Chupacabra of Latin America to the mischievous Puck of English folklore, these creatures have long been used to instill a sense of caution and respect in young minds. In this article, we will explore 15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World.

El Cuco – Spain

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - El Cuco – Spain
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – El Cuco – Spain

In Spanish folklore, there is the El Cuco, a creature that is said to kidnap and eat misbehaving children. The El Cuco is often depicted as a large, monster-like creature that lurks in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity to snatch up a misbehaving child. In order to protect themselves from the El Cuco, children were often told to behave and go to bed on time, lest they be taken by the creature.

Black Annis – England

Black Annis – England
Black Annis – England

In English folklore, there is the Black Annis, a terrifying hag that is said to haunt the forests and countryside of Leicestershire. Black Annis is often depicted as a blue-skinned woman with long, sharp claws and a taste for human flesh, particularly children. According to legend, Black Annis would kidnap children and take them back to her lair in a cave in the Dane Hills, where she would skin them and use their hides to decorate her walls. Children in Leicestershire were often warned not to wander too far from home or they might end up in the clutches of Black Annis.

In addition to her penchant for child abduction and cannibalism, Black Annis was also said to have a fondness for lambs and would often steal them from farmers. She was also believed to have the ability to shapeshift into a cat, which allowed her to move about undetected.

Despite her fearsome reputation, Black Annis was also seen as a protector of the countryside and was said to help farmers by ridding their fields of pests and vermin. Some even believed that Black Annis was a guardian spirit who watched over the land and its inhabitants.

While Black Annis may not be as well-known as other mythical creatures, she is still a formidable figure in English folklore and has been used to scare children into behaving for centuries.

Boogeyman – United States

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - Boogeyman – United States
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Boogeyman – United States

The Boogeyman, also known as the Boogey Monster or Bogeyman, is a creature that is known by many different names around the world and is used to scare children into behaving. In the United States, the Boogeyman is often depicted as a tall, shadowy figure that lurks in closets and under beds, waiting to grab misbehaving children. According to legend, the Boogeyman is a creature that lives in the dark, hidden places of the world and preys on children who are disobedient or misbehave.

The Boogeyman is a universal figure in folklore and has been a part of the cultural landscape of many different countries for centuries. In some parts of the world, the Boogeyman is seen as a malevolent entity that is to be feared and avoided at all costs. In other parts of the world, the Boogeyman is seen as a protective figure that helps to keep children safe and teaches them to behave.

Cuca – Brazil

Cuca – Brazil
Cuca – Brazil

In Brazilian folklore, there is the Cuca, a fearsome creature that is said to inhabit the forests and countryside of Brazil. The Cuca is often depicted as a large, alligator-like creature with sharp teeth and a powerful tail. According to legend, the Cuca preys on children who wander too far from home or who misbehave.

The Cuca is a popular figure in Brazilian folklore and has been used to scare children into behaving for centuries. In some parts of Brazil, the Cuca is seen as a malevolent entity that must be avoided at all costs, while in other parts of the country, it is seen as a protective figure that helps to keep children safe.

Kludde – Belgium

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - Kludde – Belgium
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Kludde – Belgium

Kludde is also another mythological creature from Belgium. It is depicted as a canine demon with bat-like wings, bear-like claws, and green scales. It emerged from the ashes of witches and wizards. Kludde dragged kids into the water. In Belgian folklore, Kludde is said to haunt the forests and countryside of Flanders. According to legend, the Kludde preys on children who wander too far from home or who misbehave.

Wewe Gombel – Indonesia

Wewe Gombel – Indonesia
Wewe Gombel – Indonesia

In Indonesian mythology, there is a creature called Wewe Gombel. A female spirit that builds nests in palm trees is how it is depicted. Wewe kidnaps abused children and tenderly raises them. She also takes good care of the kidnapped children as long as the parents don’t change or don’t feel sorry for what they’ve done.

Aobozu – Japan

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - Aobozu – Japan
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Aobozu – Japan

Aobozu is a mythical creature from Japan. He is shown as a blue cyclopean monk who kidnaps kids who run and play in fields after school instead of going directly home.

Namahage – Japan

Namahage – Japan
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Namahage – Japan

Namahage is a traditional Japanese folk custom practiced in the Oga Peninsula of Akita Prefecture in Japan. It involves men dressed in demon-like costumes visiting homes and scaring children to teach them to behave and be obedient. The Namahage performance typically takes place on the last day of the year, known as omisoka, or on New Year’s Eve.

During the Namahage ceremony, men dressed in masks and straw capes visit homes in the village and ask the children if they have been behaving well throughout the year. If the children answer “yes,” the Namahage will praise them and give them a gift. If the children answer “no,” the Namahage will scold them and tell them to behave better in the future. The Namahage ceremony is believed to bring good luck and health to the household for the coming year.

The Namahage tradition has a long history in Japan and is deeply rooted in the culture and folklore of the Oga Peninsula. It is an important part of the New Year’s celebrations in the region and attracts many visitors each year.

Abu Rigl Maslukha – Egypt

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - Abu Rigl Maslukha – Egypt
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Abu Rigl Maslukha – Egypt

Among the creatures from Egyptian mythology is Abu Rigl Maslukha. It appears as the ghost of a little child who suffered severe burns and died as a result of disobeying his parents. According to the myth, kids are kidnapped and cooked by Abu Rigl Maslukha.

Baba Yaga – Russia

Baba Yaga – Russia
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Baba Yaga – Russia

Baba Yaga is a figure in Slavic folklore, typically depicted as a witch or an old, haggard woman who lives in a hut on chicken legs. In some stories, Baba Yaga is a helpful and wise woman who can provide guidance and assistance to those who seek her out, while in others she is portrayed as a malevolent and dangerous figure who preys on travelers and children.

Baba Yaga is often depicted as having long, tangled hair, iron teeth, and the ability to fly. She is sometimes described as living deep in the forest, in a hut that can move around on its chicken legs. In some stories, Baba Yaga has the ability to transform into a bird or other animal.

Baba Yaga is a popular character in Slavic folklore and has appeared in numerous folktales, legends, and works of literature. She is often portrayed as a complex and multi-faceted figure, with both good and evil characteristics.

Oude Rode Ogen – Belgium

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - Oude Rode Ogen – Belgium
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Oude Rode Ogen – Belgium

The Oude Rode Ogen is a creature from Belgian legend. It is portrayed as a cannibalistic shape-shifter that targets kids who stay up later than their bedtime. 

Dongola Miso – Congo

Dongola Miso – Congo
Dongola Miso – Congo

A mythological creature from the Congo is called a Dongola Miso. It is depicted in mythology as a creature with terrifying eyes that cautions children against approaching strangers. To lure kids, Dongola Miso offers candies and toys.

Grandmother Tiger – Taiwan

15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World - Grandmother Tiger – Taiwan
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Grandmother Tiger – Taiwan

Grandmother Tiger is a creature that appears in Taiwanese mythology. The creature is shown as a child-eating tiger dressed as a granny. According to some sources, Little Red Riding Hood’s story has its origin from this legend.

Bauk – Serbia

Bauk - Serbia
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Bauk – Serbia

Bauk is a mythical creature from Serbia. It is depicted as a bear-like creature with a clumsy walk that lurks in abandoned buildings and dark areas, ready to seize, carry off, and consume its prey. It can be scared away by either light or noise.

Tata Duende – Belzian

Tata Duende – Belzian
15 Mythical Creatures who used to scare Children Around The World – Tata Duende – Belzian

Tata Duende is a Belizean mythological creature. It appears to be a goblin that guards forests as well as animals. The Goblin forbids kids from wandering into the jungle as well as playing outside at night.

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